Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [prep] the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But after the second programme Yorkshire Television installed block heaters throughout the house in lieu of a fee , so Low Birk Hatt was heated properly for the very first time .
2 South Africa demonstrably adjusted better to the more disciplined requirements of the longer game after almost two months of the uninterrupted frenzy of the World Cup .
3 It would be much better to choose , not the level where the genus Euphoria is succeeded suddenly by the totally unrelated genus Amnesia ( as in figure 3.4:1 and 2 on left ) , but within a formation of uniform lithology where , for example , the species Abra cadabra ( which really exists ) Passes insensibly into a descendent species or subspecies by a progressive statistical swing in the unit characters .
4 In April , a month after the ‘ moderate ’ right had come together in the ominously powerful and well-financed form of the CEDA , local elections provided encouragement both for the right and for a Radical Party now hungry for power .
5 The point will be of particular relevance in connection with causal sequences or causal chains , to be considered later in the most relevant context .
6 Designed unfashionably from the inside out ( Erskine remains a committed Modernist ) , the building should provide some of the most relaxed office space in London .
7 Increasingly , as penetration of the West European markets on any large scale failed to materialise , the German states looked eastwards to the less socially advanced , less well-organised societies along their borders .
8 Within months , Scargill 's warnings of substantial pit closures were transformed into reality : the NUM was unable to resist — with most of its members at the affected pits rapidly opting for the generous redundancy terms — and with the privatization of the electricity-generating industry at the end of the 1980s the ability of many British mines to compete was in question ; closures were instituted even in the more productive fields .
9 Animals kept in captivity for biomedical research are stressed even under the most humane conditions .
10 Deaf and dumb people were bitterly disappointed , and the BDDA 's reaction is summed up in its annual report for the year 1932 : No aid from the State was considered even in the most pressing of all problems , the vocational training of school leavers .
11 The UK had objected strongly to the particularly sharp cuts originally proposed in its own allocations ; in the final agreement , a compromise had been reached in which the UK 's cod catches were reduced from 55,800 tonnes to 46,180 , while haddock quotas fell from 62,500 tonnes to 36,280 ( see p. 36493 for 1989 quotas ) .
12 Yet Eliot seems to have been attracted even to the most unlikely sources , including even Conan Doyle 's ‘ The Musgrave Ritual ’ .
13 If crime and disorder follow a U-shape pattern of long-term change , the legitimacy of the police — the extent to which they are broadly accepted as valid in mission and methods — has followed an inverse path : an upside-down U. Starting from the widespread opposition encountered at the birth of the new police , opposition gradually came to be located primarily within the less ‘ respectable ’ sections of the working class , as well as in the wider working class during periods of labour conflict .
14 Since I 've done most of the really sexy west-coast mountains it 's time to start exploring the interior of the Cairngorm range , especially now I 've overcome my abhorrence of the ski-77tows and scone consumers .
15 The New Zealand experience suggests that those who proceed with ‘ open ’ adoption are not altogether the same as those who would have done so under the more traditional approach .
16 She knew it would wound his dignity that he had been forced to skulk abroad while she had saved the firm — never mind that she had done so in the most unbusinesslike and outrageous manner .
17 The progressively more strident and bellicose demands of Nazi Germany were matched only by the progressively more acquiescent and neutralist responses of France and Great Britain .
18 But they should be licensed and licences should be granted only under the most stringent conditions .
19 The trophy is presented annually to the most promising young sportsperson who receives training at Meadowbank .
20 In Alessio Rospigliosi had already turned away from the heavily exploited areas of classical mythology and Christian epic to open up the unpromising vein of hagiology ; he now struck an infinitely more successful one .
21 The detective has therefore moved away from the centrally important activity of seizing the villains into a manipulated world where the paper exercise of statistical detections is used to assuage politicians , the media , and a public obsessed with the moral panic of increasing crime rates .
22 In one sense Japanese subcontractors are being pushed away from the most labour intensive processes where overseas plants have the advantage .
23 The impression just described can be related moreover to the before/after idea which to has been seen to express in its other uses .
24 The second and third generations ( the generations of my informants ) have not simply reproduced the class stratification of the Caribbean region , nor have they merged seamlessly into the already existing class strata of British society .
25 The separate identity of such organisations was accepted both on the purely factual level ( a non-member can not deny the factual existence of the United Nations ) and on the legal level ( a non-member may owe duties to an organisation and be able to make claims against it ) .
26 ( This subject would be reading from 6m the size of letter seen clearly by the normally sighted at 24m . )
27 It is in these prodigies of imitative art that Godwin discerns one of his social bridges , for he regards the love of art , exhibited even by the most miserable , as ‘ agreeable and cheering … evidence of striving upwards ’ , even though the former ‘ barbaric favourites ’ of the middle classes that have found their way to the firesides of the poor are not art ‘ of a very refined character ’ .
28 postmodernism is less liberating for some social groups than for others — though there is a point to be made here about the extremely close links between postmodernism as a general theoretical superstructure and camp as a specific homosexual practice .
29 Few of those who can read actually believe what is said even in the more responsible newspapers ; like many Middle Easterners they prefer the racy , outlandish explanation .
30 This new layout could not be dated precisely within the later first or early second century , though it may well have followed directly upon the final levelling of the military ditches , dated on pottery evidence to the late Flavian period .
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