Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pers pn] with his [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She looked disappointed , so Toby had obviously disarmed her with his usual charm , and had probably promised some expenses , too .
2 The murderer had done it with his bare hands .
3 He remembered the night before , when Dorian had watched him with his bright blue eyes , half wondering , half afraid .
4 A tottering old oily fellow kicked the cafe door open , after he 'd opened it with his scrawny hand !
5 Even that buttock-licker Pybus seems worried that Pahdra Singh has replaced them with his shifty brothers but , as I told Crowe , having a property developer , an estate agent and a supermarket magnate on the board can only be good for the club .
6 He was obedient to the pressure — for he could easily have overborne her with his superior strength — but his voice was guttural .
7 He condemns the monk : at the same time as he acknowledges the monk 's ingenuity that has provided him with his sexual reward : This monk does not suffer the retributive poetic justice that is so frequently met with by lecherous clerics in the French fabliaux .
8 She was glad he had found her with his navy-blue suit on and his tie-pin .
9 Whatever it was , he 'd served me with his final invoice and I 'd paid it in full .
10 The unimaginable heat and weight of Fenna had pressed the ooze in the cave , pressed so hotly and heavily that the molecules of mud were squeezed apart , breaking up into carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms , and his weight had compressed the carbon atoms into diamond crystals , and more and more diamonds until his hoard was a lure to garish youths , who had toiled up to his cave and exchanged riddles and blows with him , but when he had fixed them with his ancient evil little eyes , they retreated abashed to sing his praises .
11 The tall man fixed him with his cold eyes .
12 And he seemed to be pretending that he had never touched her with his hot , wet mouth , anyway .
13 I do not mean to be offensive to the hon. Member for Sherwood when I say that he has entertained us with his prepared briefs in many of our coal debates , but that it is a bit rich of him continually to criticise the contraction of the coal industry when he has supported many of his Government 's policies on the industry .
14 He 'll infect me with his madness like he 's infected me with his bloody dreams .
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