Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pers pn] from his [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A great adventure , a fitting enterprise for one who had known herself from infancy to be set apart for some rare destiny , and one that she had thought herself to have pursued courageously , successfully , with a redeeming love that had rescued even the anguished , complex , hostile Aaron , and had saved him from his wilder flights .
2 German idealism was born out of a rejection of British empiricism : Immanuel Kant famously declared that it was David Hume who had woken him from his dogmatic slumbers .
3 Though he now said that he was ‘ no longer very much interested in my own theories about poetic drama , especially those put forward before 1934 ’ , the old interests which had fascinated him from his first dramatic Fragments continued to grip him , leading to the fact that each of his dramas had as its ‘ sort of springboard ’ a ‘ Greek myth ’ .
4 ‘ I 've heard it from his own mouth , Ari , ’ Roirbak said gently .
5 What had roused him from his half-drunken sleep ; a scream , the sound of a quarrel , a falling body ?
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