Example sentences of "[vb pp] [noun pl] of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He or she invents a product which consumers did n't know they wanted until it is made available , manufactures it with the assistance of purveyors of risk capital known as publishers , and sells it in competition with makers of marginally differentiated products of the same kind .
2 Prosecutors interviewed by the Polish daily Zycie Warszawy said they would not know how to deal with a case of illegal abortion as they had not yet received copies of the new law .
3 In addition I understand you have received copies of the Scottish Office leaflets on Council Tax which have been prepared in conjunction with Local Government Officers and also the Council Tax Benefit leaflet produced by the Benefits Agency .
4 The similarities between such a scheme of reclamation and discipline and those widely mooted proposals of the 1980s to reclaim the youth through compulsory job-training or ‘ community service ’ should not pass unnoticed .
5 For example , some of our greatest melodies are given settings of the greatest simplicity , and to add ‘ counterpoints ’ would rob the music of some of its beauty .
6 The variety of sound produced by different species is enormous and amazing to anyone who has only heard frogs of the temperate regions .
7 He attacked the British Government for its stand on refugees from war torn areas of the former Yugoslavia and criticised the British public for offering solutions to the crisis in the former Yugoslavia when conflict in Northern Ireland continues .
8 However … all … must be considered elaborations of the initial paradigm … .
9 When John Ryan became Welsh coach in 1988 , the shattering tour of New Zealand having instantly expunged memories of the first Welsh Triple Crown in nine years , he had no compunction about picking old-style tight forwards who , if they did nothing else , would scrummage till the cows came home .
10 These considerations indicate that well designed studies of the clinical effectiveness of appropriate treatment with oxygen in the prevention of death of hypoxaemic infants and children in hospital are now required .
11 This brief chapter has included details of the major LEA and school initiatives in the home-school field between the start of PNP in 1985 and the end of our fieldwork in 1990 .
12 On Feb. 8 the former regional governors were reappointed governors of the corresponding states , except in the cases of Equatoria and Khartoum .
13 But she could also have written one of the following , which can more readily be considered variants of the original : [ 8 ] The discreet door closed with a click .
14 In recent years , leading nationalist politicians have claimed members of the armed forces have been guilty of ‘ collusion ’ — allowing UVF and UFF gunmen to enter and leave areas without fear of arrest .
15 The reformers go on to argue that taxes on farming , the main activity in the South , have distorted economies of the Third World .
16 In Ostland the horde began to loot and destroy with customary Orc efficiency , crushing the spring crops underfoot and gorging themselves on the hard won stores of the local people .
17 ‘ Good taste ’ , ingenuity , intelligence , and energy — the sharply honed attributes of the would-be successful survivor — all were as nought in the absence of one other ingredient : hard cash , and lots of it .
18 Daemons are forbidden effluvia of the human phantasy , turned sick and evil .
19 It took several layers of slightly thinned fold acrylic paint to get the effect I wanted , then , as the final touch , I worked over the parts I have previously painted red , now visible only as a dull tonal value within the fold , using well thinned films of the different pearlescent colours .
20 Would have made matchsticks of the private car .
21 Find-spots rather favour the arrangement in fig. 124 , but the characterisation seems to fit better if they are made partners of the other men .
22 Sir Denys also revealed details of the proposed split between ICI and Zeneca .
23 In future , those who would have received it will be made Members of the British Empire , seen as a ‘ white-collar award ’
24 The Scrapbook is also variously supported by Association Française d'Action Artistique , the Ministry of Culture , Copenhagen , the Instituo Banco San Paulo of Turin , Becks Bier , to name some of the backers , and also by the furtively named Friends of the Situationist International , whoever they are !
25 Congratulations to Miss Kay Evans MBE , ex-President and Vice-President of the Society and Miss Eileen Alexander OBE , also one of our Vice-Presidents , on being made Fellows of the Physical Education Association for their distinguished contribution to the work of the Association and in the physical education and movement field .
26 We 've seen flashes of the old Liverpool but all too often they 've fallen below acceptable standards and that 's the problem — their consistency has gone and that was always their hallmark .
27 A certificate to this effect from the person representing the petitioning creditor in the following form is normally acceptable : I certify that I have/my firm has made enquiries of the petitioning creditors(s) within the last business day prior to the hearing/adjourned hearing and to the best of my knowledge and belief the debt on which the petition is founded is still due and owing and has not been paid or secured or compounded for ( save as to …
28 In the north of Bucharest , there is a fascinating village-museum , started in the 1930s , which has collected examples of the extraordinary variety of styles of peasant architecture found in Romania .
29 Secretary of State Peter Lilley MP has met representatives of the national brewers .
30 My officials have met representatives of the local education authorities to discuss various aspects of the new proposals and there has also been correspondence with the Department .
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