Example sentences of "[vb pp] [noun pl] of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The accused , if committed , is given copies of the depositions , but is not provided with copies of the statements taken by the police except when the Crown intends to call a witness who did not give evidence at the preliminary inquiry , in which case the Crown will serve the defence with a notice of intention and a copy of the witness 's statement .
2 It was to have been taken outside the ivy clad bay-windows of the Blackwell Grange Moat House .
3 We were given maps of the reserve and told how to census the songsters by marking the grid position of each singing bird .
4 Above me , the gaily painted signs of the taverns and food shops creaked in the wind and mocked my hunger .
5 Ferdinand 's paving , in its turn , had replaced the fourteenth-century brick floor which can be seen in Renaissance painted views of the Piazza and which many feel should have been brought back .
6 When the project is completed copies of the project report , written up and assessed , gather dust , one on the tutor 's shelf another on the student 's .
7 By the way , I have received copies of the Dyfed consultation drafts on golf courses and windfarms , although I have not yet had time to read them .
8 We have received copies of the letters of objection and petition sent to you by local residents .
9 In his account of the conference Armstrong ( secretary of the Chemical Society ) noted that participants only received copies of the report on the first morning of the meeting ( 19 April 1892 ) .
10 She felt her stroke was due to the fertility drugs she had taken before each pregnancy , rather than to the childbirth itself : for the fifth pregnancy she had received injections of the drugs for the first time .
11 We 've lifted squares of the snow like turves
12 Land around the Thames to the west of the City had long attracted tillers of the soil .
13 The middle-horned breed was described as a group of ‘ local varieties ’ of which the most noted were the Devon , Sussex and Hereford , the last two being considered varieties of the Devon , with the Hereford thought to be the least active and hardy under the yoke but better for fattening .
14 Certainly the Communists ' role since 1941 had expunged memories of the Hitler-Stalin Pact period when they had opposed the French war effort .
15 THE Royal Family have been voted bores of the year — ousting 1991 's top yawn Madonna .
16 At the time the committee considered representations of the deposit plan , we had available to us revised projections based on the ninety one census , also information available from the ninety nine planning census of employment and based on a number of er representations made to me formally and informally , I revised the assumptions to er incorporate ninety one census data and to in fact stretch the assumptions er in terms of their general .
17 During the Second World War most Italians were interned as enemy aliens , even though they may have been respected members of the community for 30 or 40 years — and even had relatives serving in the British forces .
18 POLICE have applauded members of the public whose information has led to a series of arrests .
19 The 30-member Pakistani delegation , led by the secretary-general of the Pakistan Foreign Office , Akram Zaki , reportedly included members of the army 's Inter-Services Intelligence ( ISI ) , known for its close links to mujaheddin groups , especially the fundamentalist Jamaat-e-Islami [ see p. 38153 ] .
20 The precise membership seems never to have been defined , though it has always included members of the county advisory staff , members of the Project Coordinating Team , teachers from project and non-project schools , teachers ' centre wardens , and DCSLs .
21 Most studies of latent inhibition use procedures in which there are many widely spaced presentations of the target stimulus and there is a long interval ( frequently of 24 h ) between the last pre-exposure trial and the first trial of conditioning .
22 After the sack of the city in 1239 the cathedral fell into decay until the seventeenth century , but even in this ruinous state greatly impressed travellers of the period .
23 But it is a reminder that the labour movement has always addressed issues of the quality of life as well as of material pragmatics .
24 Perhaps I had naively expected headlines of the HUMPHRY DAVY INVENTS MINERS ' SAFETY LAMP , ROSSINI WRITES FIRST OPERA , HENRY THOREAU BORN , kind of thing !
25 Meanwhile , hygienically edited highlights of the action get replayed nightly on the news through ghostly green videos shot through the night-sight viewfinders of airborne artillery .
26 That riots and local socialism were both found in the most acutely stressed parts of the country is no accident .
27 Witnesses have already given descriptions of the pair who were seen having what appeared to be a heated argument .
28 Is DCF as desirable a form of analysis as the theory of finance implies — especially given criticisms of the technique voiced by some academics in the corporate-strategy area ?
29 A crooked locksmith is believed to have made copies of the keys which were then smuggled back into the ‘ escape-proof ’ jail .
30 Made freemen of the Russia Company in August 1731 , he and his brother Charles traded as partners , with an agency in St Petersburg , where , with other merchants , they financed two sugar refineries .
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