Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pers pn] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Brocklebank , had she been here , would no doubt have pointed them out with triumph .
2 She had a longish , plain face with a straight nose and almost no eyebrows ; she must have plucked them away in order to repaint them in higher up .
3 But a fine run of only one defeat in the last eight matches has propelled them back into contention in a duel that looks set to go to the last game .
4 I had taken the slabs one course back from the edge of the hole , and Lou had arranged them neatly in order , so we would know what went where .
5 Later , the knowledge filtered through to me that the two ruffians — escaped prisoners like myself , without a doubt — had attacked me solely on account of my fire .
6 They felt that he had let them down in front of others .
7 Well I was gon na say you could 've dropped me off at grandma 's .
8 He had picked her up of intent , had followed her into this inn for some purpose of his own .
9 The family had just picked her up from hospital in Oxford and were taking her home to Swindon .
10 He had expected her back by midnight at the latest , judging by the phone call and the length of the concert , so where had she been until two in the morning ?
11 Their ‘ great weekend ’ as he put it had come to a highly unsatisfactory end yesterday evening , when he had dropped her off at home , and after seeing her in , had ridden off with scarcely a word .
12 Coming from a Communist family background in the early 1960s , the pull of the underground- and a trip to South America — had sucked him away from politics .
13 DAVID MELLOR has gone to the back benches nursing the belief that since he told John Major all about his expenses-paid holiday it made it okay and if life were fair none of us should have considered him out of order .
14 I WATCHED the General Synod debate on the ordination of women priests with my jaw dropped so low that my knee could have nudged it back into place .
15 Thus we 've never considered it right to hand out cheques on a mere whim , deciding to sponsor a project , or support a charity because it happened to be the flavour of the month , or because a director had some some particular keen interest in it .
16 Perhaps the man had picked it up in West Cameroun .
17 The signing , in the ZOO framework , of the World Monetary and Banking Assimilation Treaty ( WOMBAT ) has written them out of history .
18 The value of having such materials in brief and physically separate forms is that it is easier to manipulate ideas while they are still in note form than it is once you have written them out in prose .
19 She had given up work to have the children and she 'd seen them through to school age , when she 'd gone out and found herself another job .
20 Ah , I 've made them up into poster size .
21 Her joking tone matched his almost to perfection .
22 No seeing as though they 've been produced I 've said I all in favour of the jury seeing anything that 's referred to and then there , there 's no mystery about it then .
23 Er if I was in power I 'd put a tax on every child after two I would have taxed you out of existence Ellen .
24 ‘ I have n't seen you around with Ace before .
25 His insights and skill have made him much in demand as a consultant .
26 Before , she had seen him comfortably as part of the family , so to speak .
27 ‘ That 's another thing , ’ Candy continued , far too old a hand at the game to be distracted by such a blatant bid to change the subject , ‘ I 've seen him deep in conversation with quite a few people in the club recently . ’
28 It was the first time that Kirov had ever seen him out of uniform .
29 She had n't moved or made a sound , just opened her eyes in the red-tinged darkness and seen him there without surprise as if she had been aware of his presence ever since he arrived .
30 Having seen him safely in hospital , though not in the best of health myself , I called at the poll tax office and waited one and a half hours in a very smoky atmosphere to have the summons withdrawn .
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