Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] a large number " in BNC.

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1 Emission standards are designated for a large number of pollutants or combinations of pollutants and may be applied to individual or specific groups of emitters .
2 Communism is committed to a large number of goals , but for our purpose three stand out : the abolition of private property , the abolition of the family and the abolition of religion .
3 The panels were built up from small components , enabling work to be subcontracted to a large number of small engineering firms without disrupting heavy engineering production .
4 The supply branch computing specialists used a help desk expert system at the Supply Control Centre several years ago when a new unit supply system was installed on a large number of RAF stations .
5 After all , the Minister is surrounded by a large number of them on the Conservative Benches .
6 German influence in East Prussia had been so strong that over the years the southern strip of East Prussia , which was occupied by a large number of ethnic Poles , had become increasingly Germanised .
7 His own pictures are owned by a large number of people , and illustrate the sincerity which was characteristic of him .
8 Although these cases were selected from a large number in which interferon alfa was given , they suggest that the drug can dangerously aggravate liver disease and that caution is needed in treating cirrhotic patients .
9 It was noted that linguists tended to use the concept of social class rather unreflectingly , primarily as a means of imposing some order on variable linguistic data collected from a large number of ( usually urban ) speakers .
10 They can be grown in a large number of different ways but are typically one or two microns thick though they may be millimetres or even centimetres long .
11 The difficulty is that , on a cursory inspection , what is inside the box is a grey mush , which , on examination under the microscope , turns out to consist of a confusingly large number of nerve cells ( some 10 11 in man ) , each connected to a large number of others .
12 One recommendation made to a large number of departments , however , was for changes in teaching methods , notably the introduction of more oral work .
13 It is built around a large number of lists of attainments , some of which subdivide attainment targets in English , Mathematics and Science .
14 On 8 May a student demonstration in Marseilles was attended by a large number of workers .
15 It 's been adopted by a large number of Authorities , of which is gon na be one of them I hope .
16 Since then , the mill ( which is not open to the public ) has been visited by a large number of interested bodies , all of whom must have been greatly impressed with this tale of hard work , expense and perseverence .
17 O2 Technology SA , the object-oriented database start-up in Versailles , says it has signed a partnership agreement with Paris-based Ingenia SA , a consultancy specialising in object-oriented technology , artificial intelligence and man-machine interfaces : under the non-exclusive agreement , Ingenia will sell O2 to its clients in the defence , agro-chemical and automotive industries ; O2 is an object-oriented database that has yet to make its mark as a commercial success ; an O2 spokeswoman said Ingenia has great expectations of the potential of O2 to be used for a large number of its applications .
18 Indeed , it might be said that a set of standard terms requires greater care because it will be used for a large number of separate transactions , possibly involving a wide range of goods and/or parties .
19 PCMCIA is a standard , agreed between a large number of companies , which allows a range of devices to be built onto a card about the size of a credit card .
20 This is because this form of exercise provides excellent aerobic training and is also easily supervised with a large number of people in a relatively small area .
21 There are two member categories : Associate members , which are drawn from a large number of manufacturers and distributors ; and Full members , consisting of companies which have been involved in successful kitchen retailing for a minimum of two years .
22 Schmidt , Hunter and their associates applied their new techniques to data from many samples drawn from a large number of different occupations .
23 In the case of electromagnetism and gravity , the interactions are also long-range , which means that the fields produced by a large number of matter particles can all add up to give a field that can be detected on a macroscopic scale .
24 Wales is blessed with a large number of environmental voluntary bodies dedicated to the conservation and quiet enjoyment of the countryside .
25 Thus the probability of violence is high where : the industry is fragmented into a large number of firms ; workers of the strike-hit firm are well-paid , but easily replaced ( notably under conditions of high unemployment ) ; union leaders condone the use of violence ; the strike issues relate to matters of ‘ union security ’ rather than pay ; and institutions like the police and media implicitly condone violence .
26 Dealers may not like to see the extent of the drop in auction prices quantified by the Sculpture Index , but it is important to remember that the figures are based on a large number of actual transactions , not a selection of retail sales .
27 There are occasions when teachers would want detailed feedback for diagnostic purposes or to evaluate their teaching , but an assessment scheme which is tightly based on a large number of criteria would compel teachers to work to them even when it might not be appropriate to do so .
28 In fact , the striking dissociations that one can observe in neuropsychological patients show us instead that skills which seem so simple and automatic in the course of everyday life are in fact comprised of a large number of functional sub-components , any of which may be impaired by brain injury .
29 Consequently , our analysis used statistical methods appropriated for the analysis of data with unobserved effects ( our data comprised of a large number of daily histories , in the late 1980's which had been previously collected ) .
30 Finite element analysis requires the subject — in this case the club head — to be translated into a large number of computational cells or elements .
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