Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] the [noun sg] a " in BNC.

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1 The latter had been intended for the scrap-yard a short while earlier .
2 In the 1650s patriarch Nikon claimed for the Church an autonomy which exasperated Alexis I , the most pious and gentle of tsars .
3 Blissett was found not guilty of ‘ cynically and deliberately ’ thrusting his elbow into the face of Torquay 's John Uzzell , whose cheekbone was smashed during the match a year ago .
4 ‘ It — er — depends how — um — busy Barney is , ’ she made up as she went along , and with relief was let off the hook a little while her mother commented on how hard Barney worked , and how , if he could n't take his holiday quite as early as he 'd planned , that perhaps it might be a good idea for Cara to stay touring with her , and maybe take a plane to America from Czechoslovakia .
5 These were faithfully reported in the press a few days later so that readers knew the position of every member of the Cabinet .
6 Mr Buckley died under tons of rubble but the jury deleted from the charge an allegation that after staggering clear , Sutherland had pretended to the emergency services that there was no-one inside .
7 Any limitation on the suspension of rent should be resisted unless there is included in the lease a clause allowing surrender where the premises are not reinstated within a given period of time .
8 I have included in the review a number of quite lengthy verbatim quotations .
9 On this particular Sunday afternoon , Celia 's husband , clad in shorts and T-shirt , bent over them carefully , snipping here and there , and occasionally looking towards the pram , parked in the shade a few feet away , where his nine-month-old son , propped up by pillows and securely strapped in , made contented unintelligible noises at him .
10 ‘ We 've been caught in the middle a bit , ’ explains Billy .
11 Shapton Limited and Lombard Holdings Limited have each disclosed to the Company a notifiable interest in accordance with the Companies Act 1990 derived from their respective shares registered in the name of Shuttleway .
12 When the Titanic was finally located on the sea-bed a crew went down in a tiny submarine to explore the wreckage .
13 This program is excellent ! and we have also included on the disk a WAV file called Getout ! which you can use every time you exit windows .
14 ‘ I heard him being interviewed on the news a few minutes ago , ’ Bridget added .
15 Before they could reach him , however , he was borne aloft like a javelin and carried to the quayside a few yards away where he was dumped unceremoniously into the murky waters to a great cheer from those who were close enough to witness the event .
16 Suddenly her attention was caught by the sight of a light utility truck parked on the roadside a short distance ahead — and as she drew nearer a man stepped from behind it and held up his hand .
17 I thought of the luxury we were enjoying ; our comfortable beds , baths , and motor cars , and then I recalled the ancient custom of giving a man selected for the sacrifice a royal time of it before the appointed day .
18 Thus , playing to the Germans ' appeal for order , these two brave Frenchmen secured for the trade a buffer in the form of the CIVC which took on the day-to-day unpleasantries of dealing with an alien administration .
19 Rory talked fast and funnily , told them of the rat they 'd found in the caravan when they 'd come to it , recounted the horrors of a little restaurant in Buncrana where they 'd eaten the night before , and laughed at the way he and Mallachy had sailed past the beach a thousand times before deciding to boldly ask them for a drink .
20 Not long after the nomes moved into the quarry a fox was surprised and delighted to come across a couple of unwary berry-gatherers , which it ate .
21 Ludens detached from the windscreen a note from Jack which read Bon voyage .
22 Since little corn was grown in the county a big labour force was not needed .
23 As can be seen from the table a significant reduction in the number of parses is achieved when the flag is ON .
24 SGB 's approach to computerised personnel records therefore incorporated from the start a facility to interrogate the Group computer ( initially an ICL 1300 , later an ICL 1904E and currently a Burroughs 6700 system ) by means of a visual display unit on the desk of the Personnel Manager .
25 But he has made it his business to master the terminology of the economic debate , and applied to the problem an elegant and sophisticated technique of intellectual biography .
26 Kersey went to the bar and had to wait while a group of fishermen jointly related to the landlord a story of putting into an Irish port for shelter and being suspected by the Garda of gunrunning for the IRA .
27 The question of quantity used is obviously intimately related to the way a given individual finances his or her habit , a perspective which will be taken up in Chapter 7 .
28 She saw Ross Aldridge , whom she knew slightly from when he 'd processed her shotgun licence application , and wondered for a moment if the rumour was true about how he and his wife had moved to the area a few months after their baby had died .
29 His widow Carol said : ‘ A cloud hung over the festival a bit as Bill died the day before the final .
30 But they acceded to his request for an overall cutback in government spending and accepted to the letter a majority of the budget drafted by the OMB . ’
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