Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] the [adj] day " in BNC.

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1 Last instructions given , and the operation arranged for the following day , the couple went away , and Robert said , ‘ It 's a pity , is n't it ?
2 Conversation with Alexei had been limited for the past day to standard matters of duty , and since he had not been able to think of anything which he could say to change his son 's attitude , he had allowed himself to accept that the state of affairs which existed between them was likely to be permanent .
3 The price factors are calculated for the first day of the delivery month , and adjustments have to be made for accrued interest where the first day of the delivery month does not coincide with a coupon payment date .
4 Five target fish were nominated for the second day as the anglers struggled to overcome persistent torrential rain and buffeting winds .
5 No doubt she has heard about Lovat being badly wounded during the early days of the fighting in Normandy and remembers her words to me as I left Achnacarry to join Lovat in Sussex .
6 There was the commander of the Cigognes , Captain Brocard , wounded during the first days of the fighting at Verdun , and relieved of his command the following year — because he simply could not adapt to the new conditions of air warfare the old form of single combat that had brought the Cigognes such renown in the early days .
7 The Executive Committee have decided that we should be represented and a static display stand has been booked for the five days .
8 The passage of the Riot Act of 1715 , which made assembling for political ( as well as other ) purposes potentially a capital offence , reveals how far the Whigs had come from the early days when they had actively promoted political demonstrations and deliberately sought an alliance with " the crowd " .
9 It was a part of the prophecy of disintegration and chaos to be expected in the latter days ; within that context it was but one detail in a large picture , but here it was all , it was an answer .
10 He moved to the window , walking with a pronounced limp on his left leg , the result of a shrapnel wound in the last days of the Korean War .
11 Lower ranks of the army in the troubled Tuareg areas of northern Niger were reported in the four days to Aug. 31 to have imposed martial law , ordered a curfew , and carried out in Agades , Arlit and Tchirozerine , a wave of arrests of alleged members or sympathizers of the Liberation Front of Air and Azawad ( FLAA ) .
12 Although Tanjug reported on July 6 that the situation in Kosovo was quiet , repeated protests were reported in the following days , notably in the Kosovo capital , Pristina ; thousands of workers responded to calls by ethnic Albanian leaders for a one-hour daily strike , despite public threats of dismissal by the Serbian authorities .
13 Further attacks were reported in the following days .
14 Rioting was reported in the ensuing days in Yaoundé , Douala and Bafoussam , and news agency reports quoted an official of the SDF as saying on Nov. 1 that 500 people had been arrested in Bamenda , and that many had been subjected to beatings .
15 Incidents of violence in different places and four small bomb explosions at locations in Tema and Accra were reported in the ensuing days , and an obscure note sent to the Ghana News Agency indicated that the bombings were part of a campaign to overthrow Rawlings and his ruling Provisional National Defence Council ( PNDC ) .
16 Further arrests were reported in the ensuing days , and on Dec. 30 the Cairo-based Middle East News Agency reported the first of a series of " intensive " police campaigns against " hotbeds of terrorism and extremism " in other areas of Cairo .
17 He was what we have learned to call a WASP , and his lifetime coincided with the process , not yet quite completed , by which that caste — white Anglo-Saxon protestants of the northeast — was supplanted from the position of privilege that they had enjoyed from the first days of the Republic .
18 He said : ‘ Many of the problems concerning the children in Orkney would have been solved in the old days by the pressure of the community .
19 Five and a half thousand men were killed and twenty-six thousand wounded on the blackest day of the American Civil War .
20 The image of hope which had thus arisen in Williamson 's mind was soured by the reality of his second obsession : the sheer horror of his experience on 1 July 1916 , when 60,000 British soldiers were killed or wounded on the first day of the Battle of the Somme .
21 The admission by Hammersmith and Fulham was disclosed on the first day of a case brought by Anthony Hazell , the local district auditor .
22 Radio Venceremos , the FMLN 's broadcasting station , claimed on the same day that the armed forces had sustained 475 dead and 1,395 wounded .
23 Anne Marriner , 23 , admitted attempting to obtain property by deception and two counts of criminal damage all committed on the same day during January .
24 Police urged racegoers to be on their guard after six separate incidents of forged £20 notes were reported on the first day .
25 The Independent reported on the same day that control of Kuwait 's security and administration was in the hands of Ali Hasan al Majid , Iraq 's Minister of Local Government and architect of the government 's 1987-88 military campaign against Kurdish rebels .
26 The Press Trust of India news agency reported on the same day that the two sides had agreed to finalize arrangements for reopening consulates-general in Bombay and Shanghai .
27 The US press reported on the same day that the two men whose extradition was being sought , Abdel Baset al-Megrahi and al-Amin Khalifa Fhimah , had met for two days , earlier in May , with a leading Washington criminal defence attorney , Plato Cacheris .
28 President Jaime Paz Zamora was reported on the same day to have requested that the Congress authorize the presence of US troops in the eastern Beni region , and sought congressional approval for a law to support the presence of foreign troops in the future .
29 When she had stopped the car and climbed out , she wondered for a moment whether she had come on the wrong day or at the wrong time , though she was sure she had not .
30 In the case of Henry VI , he was deposed on 4 March 1461 ( thus ending his 39th regnal year ) , to be succeeded on the same day by Edward IV .
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