Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [pers pn] in this " in BNC.

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1 Two difficulties in particular , are relevant to the arguments that have been addressed to us in this case .
2 As an adopted ball for LTA sanctioned events , ( adoption into the LTA Sponsors Ball Pool ) , it has already been selected for us in this country at the 14 , 16 and 18 and under Midland Bank Junior Championships .
3 If you are new to machine knitting and the electronic is your first machine and you want to know more about these accessories , I 've written about them in this month 's Silver punchcard feature .
4 They were first noticed by Poynting and the effect is named after him in this branch of materials science .
5 If the parties had not agreed on the naming of the appointing authority , or if the authority which agreed on nominating declines to appoint the arbitrator or is unable to nominate him within sixty days of the date of receiving the request which one of the parties presented to it in this regard , each of the parties may ask the Secretary-General of the Permanent Arbitration Court to nominate an appointing authority .
6 That enhancement scheme is being prepared now and reference should be made to it in this document in respect of .
7 We 've just talked about it in this room .
8 I had not done so before merely because I had not thought of them in this context ; I had supposed that you might prefer to be at some slight remove from the nefarious influences of the department …
9 Beautiful though your age is , many though the intellects that adorn it , and ugly though my age is , cruel many of its leaders , I believe that the period from which I come is to be preferred to yours in this respect .
10 On a similar tack , Guttersnipe would be intrigued to discover whether Mr Wahlberg was responsible for any more than 20 per cent of the many sexual peccadilloes attributed to him in this column .
11 Wasim , though has been reprimanded by Lancashire for comments attributed to him in this book .
12 In so far , therefore , as the deaf and dumb desire to be independent and to have some say in all matters which directly concern themselves , educationally , spiritually and socially , ample opportunity is provided for them in this their own Association .
13 I remember a story from my student days which has stuck with me in this way ever since .
14 A high proportion of diplomats everywhere still began their careers , until well into the second half of the nineteenth century , by serving as unpaid attachés ; and it was not unusual for the head of a mission to ask for a son or a nephew to be assigned to it in this capacity .
15 assigned to you in this Cathedral Church
16 He was fixed for me in this time , this pose .
17 yeah , as a possibility but given th give that you you 've gone for it in this direction y'know kind of if you 're happy I 'm happy sort of thing .
18 But there was only one person who Lennox really wanted alongside him in this moment of victory — Violet .
19 ‘ Your father ’ , he said to me in a kind of sob , ‘ has just appeared to me in this garden ! ’
20 It is because of this that they can play the role ascribed to them in this form of empiricism ; beliefs about our present sensory states can be our basis — can stand on their own two feet and support the rest — because they are infallible .
21 The majority of KPMG 's offices in Europe do not have a pro-active search capacity although several have been involved by us in this type of work — in particular Amsterdam , Utrecht , Paris , Frankfurt and Madrid .
22 I offer a few ideas which have worked for me in this situation .
23 However much he may have charmed them , they were her friends not his , and they 'd have inevitably sided with her in this fiasco .
24 I was fortunate to have been associated with him in this development over the first half of the 1940s .
25 During the 1987 Iran/Contra hearings in Washington the most frightening witness was Colonel Oliver North , who , though not a direct employee of the CIA , had been inextricably associated with it in this sordid affair .
26 I should perhaps add that I was not a member of the committee who heard these appeals in the first hearing since I became involved only when your Lordships who sat in the first hearing suggested a second hearing under my chairmanship and accordingly I have not been asked to consider this matter apart from the discussion of the extracts from Hansard which have been put before us in this appeal .
27 If it were put to us in this way we might be less prone to think of it as imposing a vastly increased burden on the community .
28 Here the paraphrase would be " how he longed to see this sunlight once before he died ! " , but the fact remains that the person designated by he in this example is felt as not yet having attained the realization of " seeing the sunlight once more " , i.e. as being before this event in time .
29 The separation of the mode of discovery and the mode of justification does enable the inductivists to evade that part of the criticism levelled at them in this chapter which was directed at the claim that science starts with observation .
30 The particular sequence of moral development revealed by Gilligan 's research is described by her in this way : first , as in Kohlberg 's findings , a stage of focus on the self ; then , a second level of development in which the notion of responsibility is used to balance the claims of self against the claims of other people ; this stage brings a notion of the good as caring for others ; it involves a protective care for the dependent and unequal .
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