Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [pers pn] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The GPB consequently arranged for her to receive instruction from a number of their members ' clients , and during her two-week stay , she travelled across the country visiting — among others — a teddy bear factory , saddlery , hospital craft store , and a babies ' clothes shop .
2 War was declared and , more or less at the same time , her mother , who wished to distance her from the rough and ready children at the village school , arranged for her to have piano lessons .
3 To mark the country 's first successful bone marrow transplant involving an un-related donor , Norwegian television arranged for her to meet Janet for the first time in front of an estimated two-and-a-half million viewers .
4 ‘ Clarice Cliff was a hard taskmistress — I had to report to her every day — but she took great interest in the progress of young trainees and her husband , Colley Shorter , the chairman of her company , arranged for me to take day classes at Newcastle College of Art when I was doing National Service with the RAF stationed in Northumberland , ’ he recounted .
5 During one of my trips to the USA in the 1960s , Shaheen telephoned my hotel one day to say that he had arranged for me to have lunch with Richard Nixon , who at the time had not yet declared that he would run for the presidency in the election of 1968 .
6 This proved quite a successful intiative and was an inexpensive exercise because Air Vice-Marshal Bill Bailey kindly arranged for us to make use of the recording facilities at Services Sound & Vision Corporation .
7 We are a bit tired of getting up early ( breakfast 7.30 , start teaching at 8.30 — and that 's a concession to us lazy foreigners , since teaching starts at 8 normally here ) so Comrade Wu kindly arranged for us to have breakfast in our rooms today — the first opportunity for a lie-in we 've had !
8 I 've arranged for you to take Miss P. ’
9 A series which is broadcast each week has a number of features designed into it to help viewers recognise " their " programme and encourage them to watch it at the same time every week .
10 Many of their rows had come from him volunteering Beth to do things .
11 So do n't come to me offering shares , because I 'd rather die a pauper than soil my hands with the blood that 's on your money , and there 's the truth o n't .
12 Having been wounded by her killing eyes , Strephon chooses his course :
13 By the time I left Heathrow on a cold , miserable January evening , arrangements had been made for me to visit Melbourne and Sydney , in addition to a fortnight in Western Australia .
14 He was to go to a hotel where arrangements would be made for him to meet Meehan .
15 Something has to be done about it to make parents realise that these are classified as unsuitable for children because they genuinely are unsuitable for children . ’
16 The followers of Ali were defeated after his won death and the deaths of his sons .
17 Five terrified drivers alerted police on mobile phones as Mr Furness 's car shot past them heading south down the northbound lanes .
18 The form most frequently found is the barn with lean-tos built against it to provide cow-houses , stables or cart-shed .
19 J. Three of the trading estates have had New Towns built with them to house workers and their families who come from the larger towns or from villages where there is no more work .
20 A large poster hung above them advertising A.R.P .
21 And cash-strapped SSDs are furious about large compensation bills levied on them following crimes committed by young people in their care .
22 In presenting the main commentary , remember that readers will either have the original table before them or a number of tabular extracts presented by you to clarify points of interest .
23 In the long run , the obvious consequence of this is that the more frequently a word occurs the lower the threshold of its logogen will be , and hence the less activation of the logogen needed for it to reach threshold .
24 If that right is not set out in the expert clause the agreement of the parties ( and , probably , the agreement of the expert as well ) will be needed for it to become part of the reference .
25 She was jealous of her husband 's many romantic liaisons and was a formidable opponent , with many stories being told of her harrying Zeus ' mistresses and persecuting his illegitimate children .
26 Not until the door was firmly closed behind them did Michael speak again .
27 Cos they 've got like you know Bugs Bunny on all the cartons up there
28 Mrs Joyce whistled in amazement and stepped back to look at Martha , her fists now buried in her wobbling hips .
29 It had never really occurred to me to put things in those terms but I can see what he meant and to an extent he was partly right .
30 Indeed it had never occurred to him to sell bits of Hatherley to keep the paper going any more than he had considered using the profits of the paper , in the years when there were some , to pay for the substantial renovation the house had required .
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