Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [art] [num ord] place " in BNC.

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1 It was an appalling mistake for the city to be attacked in the first place .
2 ‘ I was always proud to play for my country and I 'm baffled why I should have been omitted in the first place , for the linesman incident was trivial .
3 the subject areas omitted in the first place ;
4 Many techniques for stress reduction can be appropriated by the same injunctions to succeed that got you stressed in the first place , and should be discontinued if you spot that they have been subverted in this way ( unless your goal has also changed along the way from stress reduction to record-breaking ) .
5 The catastrophic and arbitrary loss of love that you had not earned in the first place .
6 It does not immediately cure all known cancers — something that no one with a modicum of medical knowledge would have expected in the first place given the different causes and the versatility of cancer — nor is it without undesirable side effects .
7 It had been included in the first place On the insistence of the republicans , who refused to march without it .
8 And when you the schools , the shops in that area , I 'm not only surprised it was n't considered in the first place , but secondly , it is the key to the whole scheme and er although I 'm quite happy to move the erm recommendation , I must say that I have a very very deep concern regarding Road .
9 Greek tragedy , he impressed on his audience , had been a total art form , a Gesamtkunst ( Wagner 's slogan , although Wagner 's name was not mentioned ) , to suit an age of whole men:a poetic drama that made use of architecture ( the theatre ) , painting ( scenery and costume ) , song , dance and music ; a drama created amid " perfection and harmony " by " artistic man " , who , at least in the earlier part of the fifth century , the time of Aeschylus , was poet , composer , conductor , producer and actor in one ; a drama performed at the communal festival of Dionysus before an audience which brought to the theatre something of the instinctive , rapturous spirit from which , in the Dionysiac celebrations , tragedy had originated in the first place .
10 Enquiries related to redundant churches , and especially their adaptation , should be addressed in the first place either to the secretary of the Redundant Churches Uses Committee of the Diocese ( see diocesan handbook ) or to the Secretary of the Advisory Board for Redundant Churches of the Church Commissioners .
11 The ideas and attitudes expressed by the social problem film … do not derive simply from the focus of their subject matter but also from their deployment of certain types of conventions ( in accordance with what an audience ‘ accustomed to the cinema ’ expects ) which , then , inevitably structure and constrain the way in which that subject matter is presented in the first place .
12 Is it a new editorial policy that New Scientist will investigate the number and source of replies to advertisements within its pages and then print snide remarks about why the unsuccessful applicants should n't have applied in the first place ?
13 Or was the metal never applied in the first place ?
14 We reach this conclusion in the light of the evidence that notwithstanding the rules as to dismissal for theft as applied in the first place … each case can be and is reviewed on the intervention of the security officer who … will make an appropriate recommendation where the case does not warrant dismissal . ’
15 To stay in existence , each of these communities must constantly remind us and themselves , of the violence through which they were subjugated in the first place .
16 I assaulted this position from every angle , ranging from thoughtful analyses of the male mid-life crisis , its nature and origins , to sweeping ad absurdum dismissals in which I demonstrated that by the same token Trish and Brian were equally culpable , because if they 'd gone out for the day I would have stayed at home and we would never have met in the first place .
17 Graham Rowell was only concerned with how he was going to treat a condition or an injury ; he said it was n't his job to worry about how it could have been prevented in the first place . ’
18 Since then I have done something I should have done in the first place : found a gap in the rushes only ten yards downstream where I can heave into the fish without pulling them into more weed .
19 Perhaps radio is now fitted inside the crash helmets , I never understood why this could not have been done in the first place , along the lines of the radios issued to policemen or the earphones that , thank God , are popular with those who can not live without constant noise .
20 Who wanted the job done in the first place ? ’
21 So I did what I should have done in the first place , I put the wire hangers and small weights on the edges .
22 UTILITY — A small program which will do a single , simple job ; often performing a function that Windows ought to have done in the first place .
23 ‘ Probably what I should have done in the first place .
24 Which you would have done in the first place , Lowell thought , if you had n't been so sure that Rose was here .
25 But it wo n't work unless your employees want to be empowered in the first place
26 Prop Grant Wilson will be seeking to emulate the deeds of his Boroughmuir colleague , Peter Wright , who was also third choice in the eyes of the selectors for the French game in Paris , but who then went on to prove he should have been selected in the first place .
27 Prop Grant Wilson will be seeking to emulate the deeds of his Boroughmuir colleague , Peter Wright , who was also third choice in the eyes of the selectors for the French game in Paris , but who then went on to prove he should have been selected in the first place .
28 The nature of the ‘ causes ’ identified by the different approaches , in other words , reflected very clearly the way the enquiry was framed in the first place .
29 He was Jacob Hart , 12 , who was responsible for Hook , Stephen Spielberg 's £65 million modern Peter Pan story , being written in the first place .
30 Rather it is a socially constructed form whose ‘ influence ’ depends on how it was shaped in the first place .
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