Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [pron] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 we had to pull forward it 's not due so we 've got er so we 've given them three days to You see when we worked out the numbers for the we were given all the , the allowances , the rates et cetera , et cetera , we worked the forecast through and seen huge amounts of time given for which the assumption is that it 's all done by hand , the job these cranes so the resources how much money had been spent .
2 Concerned about his influence , and afraid to beard the sultan himself , " the vezir Mahmud Pasa " consulted Fahreddin Acemi who , having heard for himself the Hurufi 's heretical words , denounced him in Mehmed II's presence .
3 S/L Paul Millikin was pressed for what the future held for the aircraft , to one question he replied ‘ I do n't know if there is talk from Whitehall … nobody tells me anything ! ’
4 In standing out for true sportsmanship on the field Mr Chapman , loyally backed by his players , set a standard which has raised the sport he loved to the highest level , and has won for him the gratitude of sportsmen the world over . ’
5 The Cubist painters had claimed for themselves the right to move around their subject and incorporate aspects of it not visible from a single point of view , and they bestowed , in theory if not in actual practice , the same liberty on the spectator in relationship to their own work .
6 There may be much to be considered of which the project manager is not initially aware .
7 It will frequently be convenient for provisions to be included under which the acquirer will deal with normal repairs and replacements under warranty claims with an agreed method of charging the offeree : product and other liability resulting from products sold prior to completion will normally remain with the offeree .
8 This positive conviction carried with it the rejection of any attempt to compromise with other sources , authorities or norms , or to establish theology itself on any other foundation .
9 Trainees will come to realise that their action , by its abruptness , has carried with it the judgement that the client is guilty of incest .
10 Branson did not see Malcolm McLaren for another five months , by which time association with the Sex Pistols carried with it the whiff of high treason …
11 The position carried with it the right to a seat in the Council and Fould combined it with the office of Minister of State .
12 Five double stranded DNA fragments with four base long 5'-protruding ends were designed in which the GGGCCC and the AAAAA motifs were separated by varying number of nucleotides ( Fig. 5 ) .
13 If taken to extremes , such policies carried within them the potential to precipitate a catastrophic decline into hyperinflation .
14 Right from its inception NEP carried within itself the germs of its own fatal illness , whether one looks at its fiscal organization or the economic persona ( like these Nepmen ) which it soon evoked , or in many cases re-awakened .
15 More specifically , the model of responsible party government carried within itself the view that the electorate would not just be informed about politics but would vote for the party which has a programme of policies in accord with their own view as to how things should be .
16 Either the C scribe or one of his predecessors added to the 1017 entry that the ætheling Eadwig was afterwards killed , and ( perhaps inadvertently ) omitted from it the expulsion of Eadwig king of the ceorls , which appears under 1020 ; the information in 1030 that Olaf " was afterwards holy " ( i.e. regarded as a saint ) must also have been included at a fairly late stage in C 's composition .
17 Experimental work has been reported in which the administration of low fat diets or diets with low essential fatty acid content have an immunomodulatory effect in animal models .
18 At a very early age the Spencer children had impressed upon them the value of good manners , honesty and accepting people for what they are , not for their position in life .
19 The children must have impressed upon them the need for personal cooperation within the classroom as essential to the variety of learning situations with which they will be faced .
20 However , my Presidency has impressed upon me the Sea-Change in recent years of governmental policy as it affects University and College finances .
21 Added to which the Reichsführer and Admiral Canaris do not always see eye to eye .
22 But these descriptions should be confined to what the heroine sees after her adventure had begun , and in them you want to aim for reality without its customary tackiness .
23 The Minister of State , my right hon. Friend the Member for Oxford , West and Abingdon ( Mr. Patten ) , was on the Front Bench yesterday and has reported to me the content of the ten-minute Bill and the vote .
24 Beneath the heaven of feeling that he needed her were the remnants of pain caused by the memory of how he had looked at her the morning after they had made love .
25 We may indeed find the great house still standing tidily in a timbered park : but it is occupied by what the villagers describe detachedly as ‘ the atom men ’ , something remote from the rest of us , though not remote in the sense they themselves like to think .
26 who can not be beguiled by what the world of desire can offer .
27 It is understandable that the public , disillusioned by what the system produces , find it easy to blame the producers .
28 Once TOPIC and SEAQ screens had been introduced into a firm , the dealer could check what approximate price he ought to be getting , to be varied by what the firm took off or added to quote its price " net " of commission .
29 That will eventually be superseded by what the company is positioning as an open , enterprise-wide repository embracing not only the Informix database , but its Hewlett-Packard Co-derived ToolBus Open CASE environment and 4GL products .
30 Therefore , in campaigns a party attempts less to attract these voters than to ensure that they are not repelled by what the party advocates .
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