Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [pron] [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That Saturday evening she joined the passeggiata , with her hair pulled flat against her skull to smooth its crinkles and bring out its sheen , and the gold medallion of the Madonna she had received for her first communion hanging bright against the new pale shawl she had crocheted herself .
2 At one moment of inaction he checks over what he has done and what still remains to be done , in an unspoken conversation when he imagines he is being examined for his second mate 's ticket , his present goal in life and the strong motivation of his apprenticeship .
3 With sufficient work completed for her first show , Vanessa had exhausted her theme and recovered her interest in the living .
4 When asked what further services clients and their carers would wish , more home help was always given as their first priority .
5 The experience which Anderson gained while working directly for the newly independent governments of Africa made him uniquely well placed for his second career , in the field of development co-operation .
6 His graphic story has just been published in the Darlington Postgraduate Journal , edited by doctors at Darlington Memorial Hospital where he was treated after his second stroke .
7 One of the first things Tolkien did after his return to Oxford in 1925 was to set up an Icelandic reading group such as he had enjoyed during his last job , as Professor of English at Leeds .
8 His conduct of the crisis could be seen as a great achievement , yet something so negative and distasteful was not what he would have wished for his last service .
9 ITALY 'S La Scala opera house threatened yesterday to take ‘ extreme ’ action against rowdy Milan audiences after Luciano Pavarotti , left , was heckled during his first performance there in five years .
10 He had seen beyond the excitement of being approached for his first book ; he already visualised it on the bookshelves !
11 From a medical viewpoint , a woman is considered during her first pregnancy as a primigravida and , during her subsequent pregnancies , as a multigravida .
12 Feasting her eyes on him as he quickly enclosed his nether limbs , Gina was forcibly reminded of their first meeting .
13 We have been constantly reminded of our 25th anniversary by the Official Opening Ceremony on Saturday 29th August , the Service of Thanksgiving in the Church of the Holy Rude , the Logie Kirk Commemoration of the University Mace , a prestigious series of public lectures , concerts , exhibitions , parties of all kinds and , yet to come , the Silver Jubilee Graduation Ball in early July .
14 He thought : He has acquired the mystique of the story-teller and , glancing at the ring of fire-lit and intent faces , he was suddenly reminded of his first village school , of the children clustered round Miss Douglas at three o'clock on a Friday afternoon for the half hour of story-time , and felt a pang of pain and regret for those lost days of innocence and love .
15 COMECON : The nine-member Council for Mutual Economic Assistance ( CMEA or COMECON ) was formally dissolved following its 46th session in Budapest on June 28 ; a liquidation committee was given 90 days to oversee the organization 's dissolution .
16 Separately , US PC Week highlights Intel 's unhappiness with the cavalier way in which IBM has been offering to all and sundry the iAPX-86 chip variants it has designed under its second source agreement with IBM , and suggests that the agreement is being renegotiated , and that IBM may get the right to make enhanced versions of the Pentium only if it agrees to strict limits on how many it can make for itself or sale .
17 Separately , US PC Week highlights Intel 's unhappiness with the cavalier way in which IBM has been offering to all and sundry the iAPX-86 chip variants it has designed under its second source agreement with IBM , and suggests that the agreement is being renegotiated , and that IBM may get the right to make enhanced versions of the Pentium only if it agrees to strict limits on how many it can make for itself or sale .
18 Jackman had Greenidge caught with his fifth ball in Test cricket , and shortly before lunch the fourth wicket went down for 65 .
19 I got evicted from my last place I was at .
20 Although the ball might have been slipping down the leg side , Taylor was adjudged lbw by umpire Tony Crafter , who was officiated in his 33rd Test , breaking Bob Crockett 's previous Australian record .
21 Whilst the government claimed in its first consultation paper on the National Curriculum that it wished to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum for ‘ all pupils ’ , pupils with learning difficulties and disabilities were not specifically mentioned ( DES 1987 ) .
22 A letter explained that it was the pictures Simon had owned before his second marriage and which by rights belonged now to his daughter .
23 Colour had crept unsteadily on to It 's pages , and the paper reported in its second birthday issue that ‘ hopes of a permanent 24-page It have had to be tempered with reality otherwise we would find ourselves expanding into debt . ’
24 It also ordered that the cases of all remaining political prisoners should be considered before its next meeting .
25 Next weekend in Budapest , Attalli will tell the EBRD 's 45 members how this ambititious enterprise has fared in its first year of business .
26 He had already edited several popular movie magazines , but it was because of Bazin 's reputation as a theoretician that this new one , more highbrow , attracted from its first publication in 1951 a group of young , enthusiastic and iconoclastic critics .
27 Merulo , as one would expect of such a prolific instrumental composer , included in his second book of motets ( 1593 ) 7 per concerti e per cantare , and after his death were published two remarkable Masses , on Giaches de Wert 's madrigal ‘ Cara la vita mia ’ for two choirs and on Andrea Gabrieli 's ‘ Benedicam Dominum ’ itself a three-choir work — for three .
28 There is , moreover , a move towards the paying party 's seeing your file and this makes it increasingly important for you to think carefully about the costs and uplift information contained in your first letter or standard terms of business appended to your first letter , and also the standard of time recording on which your bills are based .
29 Arnold Palmer , Gary Player , George Archer and Jack Nicklaus are the only golfers ever to have won on their first appearance in a US Senior Tour event .
30 He should never have agreed to take part in this charade , should have adhered to his first decision to refuse .
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