Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [pron] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All the stories I 'd read about him and heard about him from other caddies were true !
2 Rhino penises can fetch as much as $700 on the open market , while powdered horn is prescribed for everything from high blood pressure to fevers , nose bleeds and insomnia .
3 The shrugger does n't care whether he lives or dies — and the designer duel arranged for himself by this divided and indifferent man is a form of Russian roulette .
4 The place gave Johnson another whiff of anthropology : here he stood as if in Africa or Arabia , greeting wild natives in their habitat : these Macraes might have been Xhosa tribesmen , or Tuaregs : ‘ The villagers gathered about us in considerable numbers , I believe without any evil intention , but with a very savage wildness of aspect and manner . ’
5 We 'd been prepared to buy houses with flaws invisible to the naked eye , but now we 'd fallen for one with all its flaws only too obviously visible .
6 But Daphne 's dear familiarity , the pleasure of her company , the comfort of knowing pretty well what she would say in response to any remark , the whole warm , easy , ancient closeness that had subsisted between them for more than half a century , won over Cecilia 's temporary , though profound , embarrassment .
7 These Orkney parents were neither informed nor consulted about anything at all .
8 It 's simply an activity which has been a little overestimated and is regarded as something of major importance .
9 Faraday had begun as a chemist , and indeed was regarded as one by most contemporaries throughout his life .
10 It was designed for me by that spooky little twosome , the Emmanuels ’
11 For his performance , he wore an outfit designed for him by one of the finalists in the Lloyds Bank Fashion Challenge , and made by Paul Smith , the designer .
12 In the 1780s , when Highgate Hill was so steep and deeply rutted that carriages regularly failed to make the grade , and the drive to town sufficiently dangerous that a wise man went with pistols , a merchant called Thomas Roxborough had constructed a handsome house on Hornsey Lane , designed for him by one Henry Holland .
13 Heaps of sand lie scattered about it like soft pyramids .
14 I 've got two young sons as well , erm they two got took off me into foster care , and that was when I really had to decide it was the either the drugs or the children .
15 She probably managed to make him pay her a little more before she agreed to do what he wanted — and altogether earned for herself in one evening more than she does in several days of being a parlourmaid .
16 The wind has varied for them between 20 and 40 knots and it has , in the main , blown from the west , allowing them sleigh rides down the faces of the big waves .
17 The girl was glued to the spot , terror-struck , pop-eyed , quivering , knowing for certain that the Day of Judgment had come for her at last .
18 The same rule does not apply to our bodies , because we are not educated about what out individual bodies require in order to function optimally .
19 Furthermore , half of all mothers on welfare come off it within two years ( Daly , 1989 ) .
20 Apartments had been booked for them in one block and they shared in couples .
21 In contrast , preoccupation with sickness is not recommended for anyone except those in the medical profession .
22 His mother could not be traced , but the tiny corpse was recognised by a lady who had looked after him for some time , before she , as many others , had done before her , had innocently replied to Mrs Dyer 's advertisement , disguised by the nom de plume Mrs Thomas .
23 He had brought with him reading that was expected of him during this vacation , works on sociology and on linguistics and some where these two studies converged , but these were not the sort of books one much wanted to read under the hot sun and the influence of wine .
24 And if he involved himself in military activity , he would simply have been discharging the martial duty expected of him as royal liberator .
25 Before Lord George obtained this command , however , his inability to render the services expected of him by some of the family 's political friends was a liability , and was seen as such by Montrose , who wrote with some anxiety to deny allegations that the son of another gentleman of the region was serving in Lord George 's ship , but was on board the flagship of the admiral .
26 If the ‘ qualified driver ’ does not do what can be reasonably expected of him regarding these duties the learner could be said to be not under supervision .
27 Bad behaviour was expected of you in those times .
28 But the dreariness , the frightful struggle of life , the indifference of people , the troublesomeness of children — he did not want to be reminded of them at that moment .
29 He was so very familiar on the streets of the town , with that zipped yellow jacket and his jeans , yet be looked like something from another world in the garden .
30 He says do n't you dare come near me with that silly spray .
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