Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [art] same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Cricket must now be the only sport in which you can be punished for the same offence twice and , who knows , maybe three times if he appeals !
2 He had travelled aboard the same flight from Helsinki but in Economy Class , not an experience the Vice President of Information and Planning had enjoyed .
3 Initially , she had been ostracised in some quarters , and on several occasions when she had arranged a soiree , rival parties had been arranged for the same night .
4 Patients who presented as emergencies were excluded , as were patients treated during the same period of time with cancers arising in a background of familial Polyposis coli or long standing ulcerative colitis .
5 TWO blonde beauties in Prince Charles 's life have fallen for the same attraction .
6 In syllable timing each syllable is given about the same amount of time and therefore seems to be more distinctly pronounced than in a stress timed language .
7 Any nominated initials/sex identity codes which occurred more than once were treated as the same person .
8 In addition , while many , if not all , children are likely to take GCSE examinations in the most popular subjects of Maths and English , the examination is primarily designed for the same population as covered by O-level and CSE , namely the top 60 per cent or so .
9 The second common mistake ( not made in this case ) is to impose a sentence for an either way offence for which the offender has been committed under Criminal Justice Act 1967 , s.S6 a sentence in excess of six months ' imprisonment , which is possible if the offender is committed for the same offence under Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 , s.38 .
10 Since so much capital has external sources , the bourgeoisie have not come through the same phase of saving and investment , as did their European counterparts , but have moved straight to a consumption stage .
11 THE Danes voted for the same treaty yesterday that they rejected last June because they were misled by the media and politicians , claimed an East Anglian Tory Euro-rebel .
12 As a result , the council having declined to give an undertaking , the interlocutory injunction was discharged ; and your Lordships were informed that the interlocutory injunctions granted in about 100 other cases were likewise discharged for the same reason .
13 The oral hygiene index carried about the same level of increased risk for total mortality as for the incidence of coronary heart disease .
14 Over the weekend of 21/22 September 1985 , for example , 60 protesters were arrested for wire-cutting at Molesworth and a further 55 were arrested or reported for the same action at RAF Sculthorpe .
15 Overall the event was a major success and has already been provisionally booked for the same venue year .
16 It was much more elaborate than the first of the famous series of astronomical clocks in Strasbourg Cathedral that was installed about the same time , 1350 .
17 You believe we were attacked for the same reason and probably by the same person .
18 The couple 's children , Simon , 12 , and Christopher , 8 , were found dead in Gomes 's Volvo car parked near the same housing estate five hours later .
19 Looked like the same car
20 The factory owner may possibly be caught under the same provision , and he can certainly be caught in respect of occupier 's liability for business premises under s 1(3) ( b ) .
21 Thus whether the would-be efficient entrepreneur rises from the informal sector or parachutes into a larger-scale enterprise with a degree from an international business school , he will frequently be trapped into the same style of running a business as the Nigerian enterpreneurs described above .
22 Raglan seams can be designed with the same number of rows on both the armholes and body pieces if required ( so that patterns , stripes , decorative decreasings and so on , will match up at the seams ) , although a certain amount of trial and error with various measurements is necessary to achieve this .
23 There are several styles and sizes of lodges to choose from , each designed with the same aim in mind … the ultimate in luxuriousness .
24 Pound here anticipates , and paints in a blacker hue , Edmund Wilson 's recognition that Eliot is ‘ a poet of the American Puritan temperament ’ , and Pound claims to be tarred with the same brush himself .
25 I was tarred with the same brush , to a certain extent .
26 Not that it was young Mr Gotobed 's fault , his father was alive then , and in charge of the mine , but Mr Evans says all that family was tarred with the same brush , only thinking of profits .
27 I thought about the gin , but that was tarred with the same brush .
28 But already there were signs that the mood was changing , that to the people all uniforms were alike ; the Army was now being tarred with the same brush as the Tans , and its patrols — as his own men had recently learned — were no longer immune from IRA attacks .
29 Not that I 'm surprised ; they 're all tarred with the same brush , that family ; the boy 's no better and no worse than his mother or his uncle .
30 You 're tarred with the same brush .
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