Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Her target was an excessively tall gangling gentleman , not very suitably clad for the Mediterranean in a suit of gingery wool with the trousers ending in tight bands round the calves .
2 ‘ A Christmas-shopping outing to East Kilbride was arranged for the elderly of the parish , with transport , tea and coffee laid on ’ .
3 While the Bond is intended as a medium to long term investment , it may be encashed at any time .
4 But policies intended for the poor in general , which are politically more acceptable than those designed for specific racial groups , will aim at a big section of blacks too .
5 While they are best regarded as a medium to long term investment , you can always sell your units at any time you wish .
6 Hitherto regarded as a moderate in his policies towards the West , the president 's rhetoric is becoming less conciliatory with the approach of presidential elections in June .
7 Similarly , the standard can be regarded as the ultimate in the development of a supra-local norm of language .
8 It is rather that " social anthropologists have learnt from experience that the totality of the local community is usually treated by its members as an expanded domestic household ; though equally well one might say that a domestic household is treated as a fined down version of the total community .
9 This is not , however , to say that the wishes of 16- and 17-year-olds are to be treated as no different from those of 14- and 15-year-olds .
10 The sun is often treated as an animate in English : to refer to its warm breath is to extend the metaphor .
11 As she sat facing him , rigidly upright , he saw that her chair was one designed for the disabled with a button in the armrest to raise the seat when she wanted help in rising .
12 According to German records the aircraft fell victim to A.A. fire ; it was in fact claimed as a probable by the guns , but was also attacked by Plt.Off .
13 The elements of the administrative structure will be sketched as a preliminary to discussion of the offences created by this Part of the Act .
14 It should then be covered , on both sides , in polythene and carefully rolled against the lay of the nap ( the way the pile faces ) into a reasonably tight cylindrical form .
15 Audiences varied from the minuscule for further education , to 20 — 25 million for ‘ major events ’ like the Cup Final and Christmas Day programmes .
16 The stories each picture told varied from the tragic to the hilarious : The expensive oil landscape which had had seagulls drawn on to the sky in ballpoint pen ; the ancient Highland cattle picture , swopped for food after the First World War by a travelling artist .
17 Methods for measuring the amount or intensity of radiation had not been developed , and the doses to which different patients were exposed probably varied from the imperceptible to the lethal .
18 Even a writer such as Elizabeth Roberts , who has a very strong view of women 's sense of responsibility towards their relatives during this period , acknowledges that old people living with relatives but unable to contribute any longer to the household economy might well be ‘ neglected ’ or ‘ pushed into a corner ’ through force of circumstances : ‘ Although the duty to care for relatives was a paramount one , rarely ignored , it is also true to say that the quality of care varied from the dreadful to the superb ’ ( Roberts , 1984 , p. 179 ) .
19 The papers carried his own version of the Lambeth story , the brave young warrior grievously wounded in the thick of the battle against alien subversives .
20 Incidents have been reported in the Caribbean in three of the last four years .
21 Doorbells were rung in the dead of night , early morning alarm calls were made , friends ' cars had their locks covered in sticky tape .
22 The plane with 20 passengers on board was caught in a strong down draught but managed to touch down safely ten metres short of the runway .
23 After parting from Madame Gebrec , Melissa returned to the library with the intention of working there for the rest of the afternoon , but time and again she found her mind straying from the accounts of former religious wars and the acts of unbelievable cruelty committed by both sides to the more recent clash of ideologies which , it seemed to her , differed from the old in little but the relative sophistication of the weaponry .
24 Despite the number of marriages broken by divorce , it seems that most young people make their vows in good faith , intend to keep them and see themselves as committed to the other for life .
25 Tom Hanks had come to the fair with two ageing horses from the manor he wanted to sell and he brought Carrie with him , riding in a light cart behind which were tied the two horses .
26 He might also have said , as he had on countless occasions , that although he had constantly looked to the British for advice , he distrusted them acutely .
27 The current laws on all kicking should remain except that any ball caught on the full from kick in general play can be returned directly into touch with the line-out at the point where the ball goes out of play — e.g. a scrum-half kicking for touch would still need to bounce the ball into touch but , should the kick be gathered on the full , then it can be kicked directly into touch .
28 One Friday lunchtime we learned that there were no more classes that day but we were confined to the Grand till evening .
29 The Northern Constabulary deputy chief constable , Finlay Maclennan , said : ‘ The matter was fully investigated by a senior officer from the Northern Constabulary and reported to the fiscal in Fort William .
30 Was it not the case that Beesley 's name had been omitted from the initial list of those saved , and actually included among the drowned in the final casualty bulletin ?
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