Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [noun] or [prep] " in BNC.

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1 NHS professionals normally perceive day hospitals as a possible alternative to hospital admission for people who are acutely ill and can not be treated as outpatients or at home , as a place for recently discharged short-term in-patients to attend for a period while settling back into normal life , and as a place to treat , monitor and give social support to long-term patients who would otherwise live isolated lives .
2 The tubers should not be chilled during grading or during transit to the processing plant .
3 Concerts last approximately one hour and can be enjoyed after work or before a main evening festival event .
4 Human subjects are also dissolved into codes or into the illusory products of those codes .
5 Barnard suggested that when a substance is dissolved in water or in a water/alcohol mixture , the water molecules surround each solvent molecule in a three-dimensional manner which is shape-specific for each solute — a suggestion which has been more recently substantiated .
6 In practice , however , there appeared to be some ambivalence about whether care programming was aimed at people being discharged from hospital or at a wider range of those who use mental health services .
7 ‘ Goods ’ is defined by section 61 to include ‘ emblements , industrial growing crops and things attached to or forming part of the land which are agreed to be severed before sale or under the contract of sale . ’
8 In this case the crops are not ‘ agreed to be severed before sale or under the contract of sale . ’
9 The statutory definition of " goods " in s61(1) of SGA 1979 includes the following : " goods " includes all personal chattels other than things in action and money , and in Scotland all corporeal moveables except money ; and in particular " goods " includes emblements , industrial growing crops , and things attached to or forming part of the land which are agreed to be severed before sale or under the contract of sale .
10 It is an audience that is incredibly hungry for those kind of images , those representations of their lives depicted in cinema or on TV .
11 Similarly credits earned on exchange or by credit transfer ( normally a maximum of four exchange credits are allowed ) are counted towards the number of credits required for an award but the marks are not used for the purposes of classification .
12 Indeed , Pausanias shows us what an account of a war with the Celts looked like in the pre-scientific days of Celtic studies , in the third century B.C. Direct contacts with the Celts seem to have been confined to prisoners or to mercenaries , bad subjects for ethnographic research
13 But Mr Soley defended the policy in an interview with the Guardian : ‘ The problem is most acute in rural areas , such as the South-west , where there is a growing problem of ghost villages where 70 per cent of the houses are only occupied at weekends or during the summer , ’ he said .
14 Mice may be fostered at birth or at any time prior to weaning .
15 The increasing collection of different species of trees and plants , skilfully grouped by season or by collections of single types of trees , and designed in glades , avenues , and drives caused the eventual expansion of the arboretum to 600 acres .
16 In one statute ‘ confidential information ’ means information disclosure of which is forbidden by statute or by the civil servant who gave it to the local authority .
17 And tea estates in India have now got to be owned by Indians or by the Indian government .
18 Tala-Tala even had its own home-made harbour , a kind of inner lagoon in the outer lagoon , obviously a laboriously built , three-sided breakwater , in which I assumed that every stone must have been carried by hand or on rollers to afford protection for the boats it enclosed .
19 During her pregnancy , Julie Reece was infected by a parasitic disease called toxoplasmosis , which is carried by pets or in undercooked meat …
20 Tickets booked by telephone or by post can be collected up to 5pm on the day of screening at MAC .
21 The evidence given to the Select Committee showed that in Norway and Belgium it was the practice to keep in solitary confinement prisoners ( whether sentenced for murder or for other crimes ) who had not a criminal record , but this method was adopted for reformative purposes and for protecting such prisoners from contamination by other prisoners .
22 It is therefore invaluable to have a tape or cassette recorder , ideally a small one , which can be operated off power or on batteries .
23 Although a handful of poems were written in times of solitude or loneliness , the great bulk of her poetry was written for Freemantle or for other friends .
24 In the hard sell of this linguistic and cultural economy , claims are made for English , not unlike those formerly made for Latin or for certain styles of French , that it is better suited to particular intellectual and scientific purposes , notably in the current situation , those for which consumers want to buy languages .
25 ( iv ) In which case will the ring fall faster , if it is made of copper or of aluminium ?
26 The double-axe was an everyday implement , and yet the great majority of those that survive were intended for ritual use ; some were made of very thin sheet bronze , some were very large , some were very small , some were made of lead or of soft stone .
27 Being trained , Wolfe knew what to do but she was struck by the sense of panic that engulfs any parent when a child is suddenly threatened with pain or in this case , death .
28 Schools threatened with closure or with the loss of their sixth forms are among the most likely to seriously consider opting out , and the Grammar School Association expects about one-third of the remaining 150 grammar schools to opt out .
29 The LFS distinguishes between temporary workers who describe themselves as having " seasonal , temporary or casual jobs " and those with " jobs done under contract or for a fixed period of time " .
30 Should motivation be applied in bursts or as a continuous back ground ?
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