Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [verb] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She had succeeded in damning him with the faintest of eulogies .
2 Though earlier Joseph 's brothers had planned to kill him , and had succeeded in selling him into slavery , the story 's final scene in Genesis 50 showed sincere confessions of guilt , moving declarations of love and all fear finally removed .
3 A passing cart rolled by splattering him with mud and Corbett quietly cursed Burnell for sending him here .
4 Recalling , though , how on the drive to Karlovy Vary she had decided against bombarding him with questions so that he could concentrate on his driving , Fabia , with some reluctance , faced the fact that that was the only course to follow .
5 and we were saying last year we could of done with having him for a bit
6 What his countrymen did not deserve was being prevented from ousting him after his second term of office .
7 He had been on the fringes of politics in the nineteen-hundreds , he had sought erm to get adopted as a parliamentary candidate , he had erm taken part in the movement for female emancipation , erm on one occasion the police were only prevailed upon to save him from being mobbed by an angry crowd by being told that he was the brother of an Earl erm But it was with the First World War that his practical activities really began .
8 The costs of treating Richard in this fashion were far greater than the gains to be made from keeping him in suspense about his future .
9 The world is not altogether reformed by cheap tours , nor is the inherent vulgarity of the British Philistine going to be eradicated by sending him with a through ticket and a bundle of hotel coupons to Egypt and the Holy Land …
10 I 've thought of replacing him with heroin .
11 This was one of those minor administrative details which Miss Faraker would never have dreamed of troubling him with .
12 He slipped away to the great palace of King Darzin and begged to be rewarded for warning him against his enemies .
13 And what he enjoys even more is the knowledge that their affection is based upon patronizing him from what they take to be their greater radicalism ; while in fact , under the surface , he is more radical than they will ever be .
14 The sheriff could be called upon to assist him with armed men when he raised the hue , and to arrest men of whose names the warden informed him .
15 But with his back to the wall , and with the octopus bent on destroying him through no fault of his own , his first , last and only duty was to his family .
16 ‘ I should have stuck with playing him down the middle .
17 Not that his pursuers would be distracted from finding him by such petty secrecy .
18 The defendant was involved in a scuffle with a constable and was successfully charged with obstructing him in the execution of his duty .
19 The good thing about having the machines on the vehicle are that we can give him that electric shock as opposed to taking him to the hospital to have that electric shock .
20 All this will be done privately because there is nothing to be gained by castigating him in public .
21 These feelings tend to be transitory but some patients remain psychologically disturbed for many years and , in a few psychological difficulties develop in the convalescent period which were not apparent during the acute episode.While these problems can sometimes be anticipated in hospital on the basis of the patient 's reaction to his illness , and any premorbid difficulties which he has encountered in the past , a better idea of his potential can be gained by following him during the convalescent period to observe how he copes with the various stresses and strains which he encounters during this time .
22 We 've been criticised for bringing him in so late but we tried to bring him in earlier .
23 Two of the bigger boys from Thorpe Street had once tried to outswing him for a dare , but Barry Lock had turned chicken at the last minute and Valance Fraser , who fancied himself as the cock of the street , had managed only a partial swing that left him dangling by his arms in the dirt .
24 She understood now what Mr Stanforth had meant by describing him as a man who had deliberately evaded certain responsibilities and involvements , and even kept his affairs in scrupulous order mainly to avoid being badgered , or giving anyone a hold on him .
25 The creation of man as centre was effected by defining him against other , now marginalized groups , such as women , the mad , or , we would add , the allegedly sub-human ‘ native ’ .
26 When Monmouth was executed , Ken was sent for to attend him in his last hours .
27 Such specimens as we collect are obtained without bothering him in the slightest — smears for chromosome checks , the occasional blood sample , and so on , that 's all .
28 The patient 's self-esteem can be enhanced by reminding him of positive aspects of his personality or previous accomplishments .
29 One must hope that Maxwell will be well enough to assume the role next week , but meanwhile the company is to be congratulated on replacing him with so sterling a performance by this seasoned professional .
30 Clarence Hiles in the Ulster Cricketer , reiterates the esteem in which Sean was held by describing him as the doyen of Irish cricket writers ‘ who tackled all the main issues , in the caring thoughtful manner which made him so popular with both players and officials alike . ’
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