Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [verb] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Desperately remote though it seems , this forest has in its time been much worked , beech wood having been prized for making oars for ships and sent off in great quantities to the coast .
2 Do n't be bullied into making excuses for yourself .
3 Representing Weymouth ( with his father ) in the Short Parliament ( 1640 ) and Bridport in its successor , as a student of mathematics Strangways was chiefly occupied in counting votes for the nascent Royalist party in the Commons .
4 Today , FSP/UK , an independent member of a network which includes six South Pacific countries , Australia , Canada and the United States , is committed to finding funds for the Malaria/AIDS programme .
5 In England any road leading to a port or a market was a royal road , and this indicates that royal interest was not confined to providing roads for the movement and provision of royal armies , but was concerned with trade and markets .
6 Moreover , this was a new form of imprisonment whose aims were not confined to con-taining offenders for a period and deterring the populace from crime .
7 Moreover , with the exception of countries such as Japan , Canada and the United States , few public funds were targeted at retraining schemes for this age group .
8 In the industrial area , good headway is being made with backing fabrics for abrasive cloth and printers ' blankets , while nonwoven uses include floppy disk liners and pads for medical and hygiene products .
9 That is a matter for future debate , certainly not for today when there is quite enough to be done in preparing colleges for self-governing status and ensuring that they have the support and expertise required to enable them to make a success of that .
10 Just as forbearance on the part of workers would be asked for when real effort was made in creating jobs for them , so too would the landowners have to contribute , by releasing the land for needed facilities designed for the national good .
11 What has already been said in discussing metaphors for " God " indicates the need for some specific teaching on the kind of understanding of the word current within world religions .
12 If suitable provisions ( Clause 19 ) are included in the partnership agreement ( and they are discussed in greater detail in Chapter 7 ) the interests of the firm can be largely protected ( or at any rate damage limited ) : when getting rid of a miscreant partner is likely to be rather easier than dismissing an employee whose thoughts may have turned to taking proceedings for wrongful dismissal .
13 Cubitt 's greatest savagery was reserved for the ‘ Meeting-House Gallery ’ ’ which he described as ‘ about the crudest attempt ever made at providing seats for a certain number of people over the heads of the rest ’ , a ‘ failure practically , and a horror artistically ’ , ‘ uncouth ’ and a ‘ gigantic misfit ’ .
14 ‘ The church was largely built by selling bricks for sixpence , ’ said Mr Cave .
15 Hoover concluded that consumer preferences must be met by providing models for national markets that incorporated the specific features market research had brought to light .
16 The method used for transferring stitches for cable pattern is similar to hand knitting but instead of using a cable needle , we use the transfer tools .
17 Fifteen people including church workers were arrested on Dec. 1 in connection with an attack on Oct. 30 on the military high command [ see p. 37038 ] , and a US church worker , Jennifer Casolo , was held for 18 days accused of stockpiling weapons for the FMLN , before being released on Dec. 13 under intensive pressure from the USA .
18 He was accused of distributing leaflets for an outlawed Palestinian organization , the PLFP , which he denies .
19 After insertion of the tube , anorectal motility was measured under resting conditions for 20 minutes .
20 The next chapter will discuss financial techniques used in setting criteria for the selection of project proposals to maximize profitability .
21 There are now two grounds for referring a prospective merger to an investigation by the MMC : ( 1 ) that the merger will promote a new monopoly as defined by the 25 per cent market share used in deciding references for existing monopoly positions , or ( 2 ) that the merger involves the transfer of at least 30 million worth of company assets .
22 Despite these problems , excessive use of sprays can be avoided by monitoring crops for pests or damage .
23 ‘ Hey-ey , I 'm sorry Chrissy , shush , shush — ’ He joggled him up and down , but the in-earnest high screams , punctuated with shuddering gasps for breath , continued remorselessly .
24 Many people have viewed and bought a house in a quiet lane during the summer , only to find , in October , that the lovely field behind the house in fact belongs to a school and is filled with playing children for most of the year .
25 Now I do n't think many people realized that asking for the maintenance of standards , rather than perhaps the changing of standards , was asking for something that was almost diametrically opposed to asking for an educational system that was more geared towards preparing children for adult life and productive work .
26 The Association of Charity Officers says its members do n't want to get locked into paying fees for care which should be paid for by local authorities .
27 At an earlier hearing , Mr McKenzie had told the judge that he had been employed in making doors for the transatlantic liner .
28 Typically , the timetable will be suspended for a week or more and pupils will take responsibility for their own Mini-Enterprise , which may be based on producing goods for sale or providing services .
29 In any event , as we shall shortly show , this ‘ toxic mix ’ can not always be implicated in causing riots for it is often simply not present in prisons which experience disorder .
30 On top of Falkenhayn 's natural indecisiveness , the Crown Prince now knew enough of what lay behind his frequent references to ‘ bleeding the French white ’ to suspect that , even once a critical point had been reached in the battle , the C-in-C could not be relied upon to provide replenishments for ‘ heavy sacrifices ’ involved .
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