Example sentences of "[vb pp] [noun sg] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( i ) Preferential creditors As a matter of policy , insolvency law has to determine ( a ) what constitutes insolvency proceedings and ( b ) whether any particular class of creditors should be given protection in the insolvency of a company and accorded a statutory preference over some or all of the company 's creditors .
2 Teenagers like to experiment and to feel rebellious , and problems can arise if they are not given guidance in the use of alcohol .
3 That process was given effect in the year under review by formal submissions to Government and these involved :
4 Alison Petch has undertaken research in a range of social policy areas , in both local authority and university settings .
5 I remember dark , solemn and suspicious looks , as a travelling family was given tea in the back-garden of a house in the country .
6 Lee listened to the patio door closing quietly , and felt ashamed , ignoble , as if she were embarrassed about having had an epileptic fit or as if she had broken wind in the middle of a fairy-tale .
7 The latter had a mere twelve members but nevertheless carried weight in a situation where the Callaghan government was in a technical minority in the House and in danger of imminent defeat .
8 She felt as though she had regained consciousness in a hospital bed after some physical calamity , that because of injury and loss she must now map out a new existence for herself .
9 The aunts had sat half-veiled in the evening , talking in Arabic and French and sometimes in English for me , but I had n't listened .
10 Most have voted Conservative in the past but now they will go to the Liberal-Democrats and maybe even Labour . ’
11 The most carefully designed machine in the world will seize up if over worked .
12 Was dissolved oxygen in the water greater than 80 per cent of saturation ?
13 I have included Fornax in the map with Eridanus .
14 The fate of the common person who refused to conform and voted ‘ No ’ in the bogus elections beloved of Communist rulers rarely attracted attention in the West .
15 Apparently it is considered ill-bred in the extreme to speak Welsh in front of English people who do n't understand it .
16 Even the pinnacle of his success to date was free of any taint of pandering : compare ‘ Purple Rain' with Michael Jackson 's ‘ Beat It ’ , where Eddie Van Halen was dropped plum in the middle as a calculated bid for MTV exposure and the Middle American AOR heartland .
17 So strong have been the influences here — of progressivism with its romantic view of childhood 's vision , of anti-industrialism , of egalitarianism which has democratized art in every form , of therapy — that the great majority of educators wish to encourage pupils ' growth through creativity .
18 YORK has come top in a survey to find the most cycle-friendly place in the country but the rest of the region has come a cropper .
19 Certain aspects of its exercise had , however , attracted criticism in the past .
20 They cultivated the virtues of hard work , celebrated the advantages of competition and the accessibility of success for any able and determined pupil , and efficiently pursued victory in the examination system .
21 South Devon Coroner Hamish Turner 's comments on the fact that around half of the 32 people who had committed suicide in the area in the past year had , at some stage , been treated at the centre .
22 He later found out that a clerk named Winter had committed suicide in the cellar by shooting himself just near the spot where Durham saw him .
23 If for example , you wanted to make a previously designed garment in a yarn or a stitch pattern that knits to a different tension , you would simply load the required file from the disk and enter the new tensions in place of the original ones .
24 We were too far out now to risk heading in : we were bound to be caught smack in the impact zone .
25 Jagger 's only real success was Performance , Bowie gave a critically applauded performance in The Man Who Fell To Earth , Sting made Quadrophenia for Franc Roddam and then drifted into minor , unsuccessful films .
26 Its two main stars , Alpha ( 3.5 ) and Zeta ( 4.1 ) make up a small triangle with Theta Aræ , and I have included Telescopium in the map with Ara .
27 Eating disorders tend to come from childhood , or problems , or ways people have approached food in the past and the pressure is on women to be slim to fit into these categories are er , just more pressures that make it very difficult for somebody who has an eating disorder to sort the problem all these pressures just make it more difficult .
28 Most of the federally owned land in the area is run by BLM , which has apportioned it for extensive commercial mining and ranching as well as for recreational use .
29 The grant of 1471 also included land in the region forfeited by Lewis Fitzjohn , John Darcy and Robert Harleston , as well as estates in Lincolnshire forfeited by Sir Thomas de la Laund and Sir Thomas Dymmoke .
30 The grant of 1471 also included land in the region forfeited by Lewis Fitzjohn , John Darcy and Robert Harleston , as well as estates in Lincolnshire forfeited by Sir Thomas de la Laund and Sir Thomas Dymmoke .
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