Example sentences of "[vb pp] [noun sg] in [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It follows , I believe , that if the GMC was given responsibility in this area it would have to exercise it comprehensively , in an enormous number of areas of both conventional and unorthodox practice .
2 It was one of the truly marvellous innings , one that no one who saw it could ever forget ; since it has been shown on television virtually every time rain has stopped play in any match since , it would be almost impossible to have forgotten it anyway .
3 They should perhaps look to take a more active role in initiating advocacy projects by funding development work with local users and with agencies such as the Citizens ' Advice Bureau which have developed expertise in this area .
4 Too many nursing lectures are given by unqualified lecturers , and it is not uncommon for a person chosen to speak on a particular aspect of care to begin the lecture by saying : ‘ I do n't know why I 've been asked to speak , I 've limited experience in this field . ’
5 The Treaty of Rome , with the consent of the British people , was given force in this country by our EC Act of 1972 ; Brussels has no power to legislate for us that we did not give it .
6 It is clear that where service is required to be effected in a Contracting State , the provisions of the convention , as given effect in national law or as a self-executing Treaty , will prevail over the general law as to service of process .
7 I would like to hear from any schemes with success in recruiting Asian carers and organisations that have undertaken research in this area .
8 He was vital to much of the department 's internationally distinguished research in comparative endocrinology , assaying minuscule levels of hormones in experimental animals by physico-chemical techniques .
9 By then he should have fully recovered from the injured right thigh muscle that has delayed his eagerly awaited debut in Italian football .
10 However it is the quantitative measures which have so far dominated research in this field , and which will provide the basis for this review .
11 Breeze had expected opposition in this quarter , but Susan said that ‘ Factota Limited ’ was an inspiration , and promised for her part to do the housekeeping and give lessons to small children , if any could be found .
12 ‘ He was nearly put out of the race when he ran into the back of Clifton Charlie who had broken a leg and yet he would have caught Lochsong in another couple of strides .
13 This is not to advocate that Nizan should be judged solely by criteria acceptable to Nizan individually or the communist party as a whole , but it is to put forward the idea that Nizan 's situation as a communist writer in interwar France needs to be given prominence in any assessment .
14 He could have seen money in this right off and been leading Dr. Favor on , seeing to make about a month 's wages in three days if he kept all the fares ; and why would n't he ?
15 Today , the battle to counter tax evasion , fight crime , and recognize the role of sweated labour in Italian success is vigorous .
16 Invest urgently in therapeutic treatment services for abused and neglected children , including , for example , vulnerable children who have suffered abuse in residential care .
17 He would have liked to have said goodbye in another way , but this was probably best .
18 In the 690s Aethelred granted land in Hwiccian territory to Oftfor , bishop of Worcester , seemingly without reference to any local prince ( CS 76 : S 76 ; CS 75 : S 77 ) ; Aethelbald was certainly doing so at the beginning of his reign in 716–7 ( CS 137 : S 102 ) .
19 The presence of Henry and his sons , together with their army , made a considerable impression on the Limousin , though it is also clear that in the months between June 1176 and October 1177 Richard had effectively wielded power in this region , quartering his Brabançons on monastic estates as he chose .
20 She 'd aroused suspicion in some member of the staff and they 'd reported her to Brückner 's widow .
21 Whatever we may think of their evocative names , ‘ Queen Elizabeth ’ and ‘ Peace ’ are much too boisterous to be given room in genteel society .
22 The 1949 Armistice Line is an internationally recognized benchmark in any solution .
23 All these powers have had experience in living memory of the inadequacy of paper promises , and the extreme costs of all-out conventional war .
24 You have had experience in that form of action .
25 They have shown faith in General Aviation and are now starting to reap the benefit .
26 Aerospatiale have shown faith in General Aviation and are now starting to reap the benefit
27 ‘ Nonsense , Ethel , ’ said Cook ‘ We 've never had murder in this house . ’
28 He 's been a great player ; we 've had confidence in each other .
29 We have measured oestradiol in daily saliva samples for one menstrual cycle in 53 healthy , regularly menstruating women aged 25–48 , using a tritium-based radioimmunoassay .
30 Interestingly , education is a highly valued commodity in Asian culture : it is seen as the starting line to a career .
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