Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] an [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Vivid Publishing in Los Altos , California , makers of the TypeView font utility for Next , has come up with an environmentally aware software packaging scheme it 's calling EarthPack and challenging other software vendors to do the same : it 's making the specifications available to any who inquire and will license the EarthPack name free of charge .
2 ‘ That is , of course , ’ he said , sitting up again suddenly , ‘ unless Father has come up with an entirely new factor he wants me to think about . ’
3 She found herself caught up in an intensely speculative gaze .
4 Despite being caught up in an almost mystical trance , Laura had not entirely forgotten that she was n't the only person swimming in the ocean .
5 In an economic sense , modernity is characterized by highly rationalized industrial production , complex technological infrastructure , and a substantial degree of bureaucratized administrative and service activity [ with ] food production carried out by an increasingly small , but productive , agricultural sector .
6 It would have come , if it was to come at all , only if a well co-ordinated , centrally directed campaign of strikes , carried out by an immensely disciplined and united workforce , and backed by enough money to support the strikers for as long as necessary , could have been made to prevail against the resolute and more readily co-ordinated opposition of masters who stood to lose everything if the strikers won .
7 The connections were , of course , the Red Army : after 18 months of disastrous and brutal reforms , carried out in an overly reckless spirit because the PDPA leaders believed the Russians would always bale them out , Moscow decided in late 1979 that it had had enough .
8 On the 25th March 1993 Mr Howard updated the DoE guideline to planners thus ‘ it would be against the national interest to refuse planning permission for the extension of economic indigenous coal where the development can be carried out in an environmentally acceptable way .
9 In this sense an academic discipline has been built up with an explicitly political stance .
10 Although at the time they were made up of an apparently infinite chain of familiar days , I can think of them now only as a whole .
11 Soon it was realized that these electrons must be coming from within the atoms themselves , and in 1911 the British physicist Ernest Rutherford finally showed that the atoms of matter do have internal structure : they are made up of an extremely tiny , positively charged nucleus , around which a number of electrons orbit .
12 An attacker can be quite literally tied up in an excruciatingly painful arm twist in seconds .
13 But in the past five years the economy has been pulled along at an even faster pace than that merited by its industrial over-achievers .
14 In the West Indies the original unity laid down in the Carlisle grant disintegrated as the Leeward Islands broke away from Barbados and Jamaica was set up with an entirely separate governorship .
15 Special Rapporteur Riphagen expounded what he termed the three parameters of relationship in international law which are set up by an internationally wrongful act .
16 If the period is too short , little smoothing will be achieved ; if too long , the irregularities will be flattened out to an almost straight horizontal line and there will be considerable gaps at each end of the series .
17 Paradoxically , much of what I have said about the writing of straightforward mystery stories applies just as much to inverted stories , the books that seemingly set out on an exactly opposite course .
18 This increase in private care may reflect both the financial incentives to increase the number of places available and an increased demand for care brought about by an increasingly frail population and the decreased availability of domiciliary services .
19 Such concentration of attention is usually , though not always , brought about by an immediately preceding textual mentioning of the discourse subject .
20 They can be blotted down for an even more subtle finish , if you prefer , then topped with a dewy lipgloss .
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