Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] a more " in BNC.

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1 I am going to vote against the motion , I 'm disappointed with the liberal group not come in with a more constructive amendment or even a proposal , as I would say asked you to do .
2 Lennie ( 1980 ) has come up with a more challenging suggestion .
3 Sometimes vulnerable old people are caught up in a more general crisis such as a major road or rail accident , or other disaster .
4 But he could not have come back at a more opportune time as far as Selkirk are concerned .
5 Other weights used larger canes spaced out in a more formal pattern .
6 In other words , will workers in the future be increasingly herded together in large factories or offices belonging to even larger corporations or will there be a shift towards work being carried out at a more local level within small groups , perhaps operating as independent companies , partnerships , or co-operatives ?
7 Many databases which use SQL provide a QBE interface so that inexperienced users can formulate queries quickly ( the data definition will usually have been carried out by a more experienced user using SQL and complex queries will also use SQL ) .
8 He had offered to take them to the local dressmaker 's to have them seamed in to a more fashionable line , but Gina would n't even let him do that .
9 The contract was quickly sold down to a more sustainable 2600 level .
10 Some years earlier , the same issues had been opened up from a more consciously theological angle by the Halle professor Martin Kähler .
11 predisposing the Chinese to think of blood as circulating and of the earth as having condensed out of a more fluid state ( hence the fossil sea shells found up in mountains ) .
12 But as I became more acquainted with this set and stopped rushing from impossible passage to impossible passage , hoping against hope that at some point he would lose his balance and tumble like a second-rate trapeze artist off his swing , I was unwittingly dragged in to a more sinister , melancholic side to his playing .
13 In the context of schooling one significant issue that is paradoxically neglected is the ‘ rationality ’ of the working-class students ' resistance to antiracist curricula and classroom discussions in so far as this resistance is bound up with a more generalized opposition to the degrees of surveillance , discipline , authoritarianism and class domination involved in conventional forms of schooling .
14 The German preoccupation with the theory of tragedy is bound up with a more general German admiration for Greece , to which we have alluded already .
15 By 1912 , however , the influence of Matisse and the Fauves , which the Brücke had grafted on to a more purely native form of Expressionism , was definitely on the wane , and German painters were feeling the influence of both Cubism and Futurism .
16 Nonetheless the 1991–92 figure clearly needed to be brought back to a more affordable level , and during the ‘ star chamber ’ exercise in the spring to which referred last year , the contract with Westminster Strategy ( our PR consultants ) was renegotiated , and the budgeted figure for the current year has been reduced to £170,000 .
17 The sexual pendulum has now swung back to a more central position , and that 's good news !
18 Smith therefore felt that the manufacturers ' allocations should be cut back to a more realistic level than the BEA 's plant-ordering programme , while he allocated more steel for the foundation and building work on power station sites which was the bottleneck .
19 She looked very vulnerable and Emily wished that they had started off on a more pleasant footing .
20 In fishing this literally means that the catching sector has been forced back into a more primitive , earlier phase .
21 William Plumpton , cultivating Gloucester and his retainer John Pilkington in the hope of bringing pressure to bear on Northumberland over a Knaresborough office , was firmly warned off by a more sophisticated associate .
22 William Plumpton , cultivating Gloucester and his retainer John Pilkington in the hope of bringing pressure to bear on Northumberland over a Knaresborough office , was firmly warned off by a more sophisticated associate .
23 An intensity of energy is always present in his performances : it can be potent and concentrated ( as in late Brahms ) , or it can be layed out on a more expansive scale , as in Rachmaninov or here in the ‘ Emperor ’ .
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