Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] over [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 We were woken up at 5.30 am , and Alex and I were told to go over to the kitchens to fetch the breakfast .
2 but give them in the morning cos we 've got to come over in the morning have n't we ?
3 She got home to Kington Square at last , still grubby , very hungry , quite dispirited and having had to hand over to the police the document which had cost her an unreasonable amount of suffering .
4 The gang , in effect , agreed to hand over to the mining company all of the ore they got and accept a certain proportion of its value .
5 On page 10 , the report stated : ‘ Two days after the downing of Pan Am 103 , the Iranian embassy in Beirut receives a phone call from the Interior Ministry in Teheran , intercepted , during which the ambassador is told to hand over to the PFLP — GC the remaining funds , size and scope not specified , and is being congratulated for the ‘ successful operation ’ . ’
6 However , the principle in Williams v Singer can not be taken too far and Lord Sands in Reid 's Trustees v IRC made the point that if the trustees were actually to receive the income which they were bound to pay over to the beneficiaries they will not avoid an assessment on themselves .
7 While the rest of the group stood around the microphone Eva was invited to move over to the corner .
8 He had flown in via Honolulu , but reportedly had not deigned to glance over at the still-visible wreckage of Pearl Harbor , just off the runway .
9 In Stunt v. Bolton a man refused to hand over to the police the keys of a car which was causing an obstruction of the highway .
10 We come therefore to synthesise the ideas I had tried to put over in the preceding chapters .
11 WILLIAM and HARRY will be groomed to take over from the Queen .
12 ABPC has been formed to take over from the project 's original partners , Total , Petrofina , LASMO , Inpex and the Syrian Petroleum Company — all of whom are shareholders in the new organisation .
13 If the binder has gone to town with his gilt on the outside , he may well have been tempted to spill over onto the inside edges , giving pleasant lacy-patterned borders to the paste-down , usually termed ‘ inside dentelles ’ .
14 The first Ken was Ken Clarke whom I had managed to bring over from the Transport Department .
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