Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] out the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is a principle of construction of United Kingdom statutes , now too well established to call for citation of authority , that the words of a statute passed after the Treaty has been signed and dealing with the subject matter of the international obligation of the United Kingdom , are to be construed , if they are reasonably capable of bearing such a meaning , as intended to carry out the obligation , and not to be inconsistent with it .
2 This option requires the name of the package , the name of the LIFESPAN user to be designated to carry out the approval , and the date by which the approval decision is required .
3 Gordon MacGregor , of Inverness , said he did not believe the unit would be re-opened to carry out the function conference wanted .
4 We term this the level of computer architecture , at which a set of logically integrated hardware functions are programmed to carry out the processing of data .
5 In smaller seasonal or residential hotels all the office work could be centralised in the reception office , and during the quiet period on the front desk the receptionist would be expected to carry out the task of maintaining accounting and other records .
6 Mr Hamilton will be approached to find out the format of this event .
7 The new clauses are designed to set out the structure for a funding council skeleton on which such structures would be built .
8 The Secretary of State was tackling negligent parents in a wide-ranging , keynote address to Conservative Party members in Aberdeen , designed to set out the Government 's renewed — but traditional — agenda for schooling .
9 Several banks operate special accounts designed to smooth out the impact of these unavoidable and important bills , many of which arise quarterly .
10 He saw the Shah 's reform movement as designed to sell out the country to foreign powers , especially Israel and the Untied States , and he exhorted the mullahs to resist .
11 I had no interest in charitable works , or in clubs devoted to flower-arranging , debating futile motions or even poetry-reading , seeing such activities as being designed to fill out the time of future ladies of leisure .
12 They still have all the advantages of slings and are designed to balance out the child 's weight more evenly .
13 accepting the text of the OED and Supplement in machine-readable form from International Computaprint Corporation ( ICC ) , the firm selected to carry out the keyboarding of the text
14 To minimise any impact on the hotel operation during the modernisation of the lifts , it was decided to carry out the work on a lift by lift basis , with each lift being modernised within a 16 week period .
15 Two other modifications to the description resulted which were entered into LIFESPAN , and it was decided to carry out the quality approval .
16 ‘ Dio mio , ’ he growled , and he leaned back against the wall , folded his arms across his chest , and prepared to wait out the boredom of the long moments ahead .
17 Considerable efforts were then made to clean out the system but not to inform the public .
18 This afternoon frantic efforts were being made to sort out the confusion .
19 Julia cleared the glasses from round the room and prepared to set out the coffee on the drum table beside the chief armchair .
20 The risk , however , is that come the day of dispute adequate proof of the business practices will be difficult if not impossible to assemble and that the default provisions of the Partnership Act ( see below ) will have to be applied to sort out the problem .
21 The performance of dance and drama attended during the inspection of Matagalpa Prison was a good testimony to the efforts being made to draw out the creativity and self-expression of the prisoner .
22 Although we have a clearer picture than we did of long-term changes in demography and household structure , little has been done to fill out the picture in terms of living experience .
23 Attempts were made to put out the fire .
24 ‘ Like many others , I welcome the concession that has been made to leave out the airline staff and the railway employees and all the others that are left out by the dropping of clause 54(4) .
25 In places water was applied to thin out the crayon into a wash , or used thickly to highlight areas with bright specks of colour .
26 A request has been made to read out the module to be updated but this has been unsuccessful .
27 The twist mop is a modern development of the socket mop with the handle being twisted to wring out the mop .
28 An order was also sought to strike out the Crown 's application to strike out the taxpayer 's appeal because , in addition , it had delayed a fair trial of the action and was otherwise an abuse of process .
29 The lay judges , like Stanhope and Stirling , on the other hand , must have been well aware of the realities of the situation , and that there was little chance of the prize-winners being commissioned to carry out the work .
30 A matrix is not a simple scalar quantity like 2 or 8 and a special technique is needed to carry out the operation of raising a matrix to the power n .
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