Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] the [noun] [that] " in BNC.

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1 A different possible interpretation of a contract is that , not the buyer , but the seller has undertaken to accept the risk that the goods might not exist , i.e. he has undertaken as part of the contract that the goods do in fact exist .
2 It is not intended to provide the detail that is rightly expected by the local communities who live and work in close proximity to our operations , and which we provide through locally published reports .
3 Many writs are already framed and well recognized to meet the cases that usually arise ; you can have them for the asking , if you pay the fee .
4 Foucault adopts a strategy , obviously indebted to Bachelard , designed to restore the otherness that History by definition must disallow : he produces an account of epistemic shifts , with prior epistemes presented as altogether estranged from the present .
5 Therefore , the EC has sought to develop a policy designed to secure the benefits that arise from a competitive market , since as national barriers to inter-state competition are removed there is a danger that these can be replaced by privately erected barriers .
6 This course tries to experiment by lifting these restrictions and asking when other elements are permitted to define the form that experience takes .
7 Most of the index-linked stocks that have been issued have annual coupon payments of 2 or 2 ½ per cent ; this is designed to reflect the fact that the long-run real rate of return on the UK capital stock is about 2 ½ per cent .
8 The new communion ceremony was designed to dispel the belief that each individual mass was a re-enactment of Christ 's sacrifice , or that the bread and wine were physically changed as a result of their consecration by a priest .
9 She prayed that Maisie could somehow see how well her boy had done for himself , and how he had come to regret the hatred that almost destroyed him .
10 If Senna becomes champion , and to do it he must win in Japan and Australia , then Prost 's recent criticism of his treatment at the hands of Honda will immediately spring to mind regardless of a subsequent and rather naive document , signed by all sides and designed to give the impression that all is sweetness and light .
11 And slicing away one part of , transferring the spinal unit , just taking out bits and pieces , is designed to weaken the idea that itself can stand on its own .
12 The mechanism is claimed to address the problem that a first-generation client-server database does not support a standard SQL query or a standard SQL update transaction that accesses data on more than one server .
13 Prompted by the rapid development of medical technology over the past decade or so , the medical community has come to reject the notion that death is associated exclusively with breathing and heartbeat , the ‘ vital functions ’ .
14 This study was designed to investigate the possibility that transferring to human insulin has a direct effect on the perception and experience of hypoglycaemia .
15 Not a promising start , one felt , for an ( ill titled ) series designed to overcome the idea that boffins are tedious , wordy and evasive .
16 The presence of teenager Kevin Thomas in the Hearts ' squad may be designed to supply the goals that tend to elude them at Broomfield .
17 However , whether or not it does so is a matter of construction , and it seems equally clear both that a court will be unwilling to interpret a clause as applying to such breaches and that , in the event of a dispute , the party challenging an exclusion clause can be expected to raise the argument that the breach is fundamental and not covered by the exclusion .
18 The project is designed to test the hypothesis that the process of social polarisation identified by Pahl ( 1984 ) , confirmed by this applicant 's small scale research in Hartlepool ( Morris , 1987 ) , and apparent in national statistics ( GHS , 1984 , Table 6.18 ) , reaches beyond the household to the extended family , and to friendship and neighbourhood contacts .
19 But most of these can be regarded as experimental works designed to clarify the problems that Picasso was facing in his painting .
20 So this was an obvious sales pitch , a shameless hype , designed to remind the world that the famous inner cities , which have now received the ultimate accolade of being received into cliche , enjoy the attentions of six ministers as well as the Prime Minister herself .
21 The day before we were going to fly we were putting the airplane together — it was a Sunday — and we found out that we had forgotten to make the flanges that held the tailpipe to the airplane .
22 Charts should be designed to show the information that is required and so they can be creative .
23 The Festival of Britain , 1951 , was designed to tell the world that we were back in business , full of vim and zip , bursting with new ideas , new teeth in the new bulldog , through another war with honour and into the second half of the twentieth century with eagerness and confidence .
24 Having expressed the main factors about the situation in rich picture form , the analysts than considered viewpoints that were relevant , and the systems that might be developed to explore the issues that had been uncovered .
25 The discussion so far is intended to highlight the point that macroeconomic objectives often conflict , and that the policy-maker has to choose the most desirable combination .
26 In addition , an analysis of strategic actions uncovered in existing competition policy cases in the UK , EC and US will be undertaken to highlight the problems that strategic behaviour poses .
27 Many ministers were said to support the view that exceptional aid to Poland and Egypt , effectively writing off half their debt , should be extended to other countries .
28 Personally , I would like to have seen him play Karpov but that seems destined to remain the match that never was .
29 This brief diversion into the cultural and political history of Germany , the USSR and China has been made to emphasise the way that a state may determine artistic production , and thence art criticism .
30 It implies describing carefully the nature , extent and implications of any problems prior to intervention ; saying what it is you might do to alter these and why it would be beneficial to try ; describing how best this might be brought about ; saying in advance what kinds of public test might be applied to support the view that something worthwhile has been achieved ; pursuing a solution , and then defending the results against criticism from peers ( Sheldon , 1986 , p. 224 ) .
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