Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] from [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ British industry is far more productive , far more competitive , better managed and with better industrial relations , in a better tax climate than at the beginning of the 1980s , ’ he told ACCOUNTANCY , ‘ so it is better placed to benefit from economic recovery . ’
2 This combination of lower costs and increased market share makes the business well placed to benefit from any improvement in trading conditions .
3 To ensure shortest-path routes for cyclists and to increase their safety and comfort , cycle traffic can be permitted to deviate from existing traffic regulations .
4 In response to higher than expected government revenue in 1989 , as a result of an increase in the value of exports , especially oil , projected revenue for 1990 was set at naira 47,657million ( US$1.00=N 7.6627 as at Jan. 8 , 1990 ) , of which N 38,628 million was expected to come from crude oil export ( based on a estimated price of US$16 per barrel ) and N 9,029 million from non-oil sources .
5 The ninety acres of entrancing if formalized beauty of the park , crossed by paths so convenient that they might have been purposefully designed to lead from one centre of power to another , must , he thought , have heard more secrets than any other part of London .
6 I am grateful to my hon. Friend for that exceedingly full and comprehensive reply — the type of reply that we have come to expect from this Minister .
7 In effect , the bidder thereby divides the profit which is expected to result from improved efficiency between itself and the original shareholders .
8 The relative contributions may be expected to vary from one city to another .
9 However such effects might be expected to arise from relative inflation rates rather than a UK measure alone .
10 If a narrative can be said to progress from one equilibrium to another , with the initial stability disrupted by a particular event or force , then ‘ race ’ is frequently the power which produces disequilibrium in racial problem films of this period .
11 This was originally discovered in birds , where seed-eaters were seen to switch from one type of seed to another from time to time , regardless of the nutritional similarity of the seeds .
12 He was seeing the evidence left by America 's policy of intervention , and , having just been told of Churchill 's agreement to Roosevelt 's demand for bases rights in Trinidad , found himself posing the question ; ‘ if Haiti 's isolation , poverty and tyranny after independence represented one lesson to West Indian colonials ’ , did it also pose another , … ‘ that West Indian colonials were destined to graduate from European colonialism to American ? ’
13 Of the ‘ Town Arms ’ it was complained by the police that , ‘ No respectable person was seen to enter from one end of the week to the other ’ .
14 It is nonetheless a matter of deep regret that the Board has had to depart from this project and that the first of these care centres on Whalsay , which would have been opened in November nineteen ninety one had the agreement been left unaltered , was still not open at the beginning of this month .
15 Unless you take special precautions , you will need to perform a soft or hard reset to escape from this situation .
16 How many have you had to reject from that number ?
17 For they would have had either to vote for all the candidates on one list ( implying a commitment they rejected ) or they would have had to switch from one list to another during the voting .
18 This was thought to result from electromechanical disassociation of colonic smooth muscle .
19 Similarly , the investor base of the market has tended to change from private account holders to institutional investors .
20 And he has had to recover from two knee operations .
21 The walk was scheduled to depart from Green Park Tube , and when I arrived I found a group of thirty or so walkers already tapping their feet .
22 The beauty care service is mainly aimed at long-term patients , who have been found to benefit from such treatment .
23 It is probable that no one would be found to dissent from this proposition [ the fundamental importance of the teaching of the English language ] , in which the meaning of the word English is limited to the language itself as a means of communication .
24 In a paper published this month in Nature by Dr Shigekazu Nagata from the Osaka Bioscience Institute in Japan , it was found that a strain of mice long known to suffer from auto-immune disease lacks a working version of a gene called Fas .
25 Mr Allsopp was known to suffer from senile dementia and was often seen walking in the area .
26 Nor do I feel compelled to depart from that conclusion by the fact that , under the present practice , a local authority which acts as a relator in a relator action is required to give an undertaking in damages even though it is so proceeding in order to enforce the law in the public interest .
27 In spite of statutory definitions , however , the designation of an ‘ unfit house ’ can still be a rather subjective matter , and standards in the past have been found to vary from one district to another .
28 Ro Jai Bong , 54 , hitherto chief presidential aide and a former university professor , was appointed to succeed Prime Minister Kang Young Hoon , whom Roh had reportedly asked to retire from public life .
29 Public opinion polls reveal a powerful popular distaste for divided political parties and an aversion to coalitions , both of which are assumed to detract from effective government .
30 Debacles elsewhere pushed more money into utilities , which are believed to benefit from low interest rates , at least in the short term .
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