Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Examples include a driver being stung by bees , having an epileptic fit or loss of control because of a latent defect provided the driver did not and could not reasonably be expected to know of the defect .
2 B has infringed the patent for the computer chips even if he did not know or could not be expected to know of the patent .
3 A total of 350 visitors ( 97% of all respondents ) replied to question asking them about the way in which they had come to hear of the Library 's exhibitions .
4 He had come to think of the attack as a living creature which derived its nourishment from the speed of its progress .
5 Third , the structural emphasis on form , which was originally designed to dispose of the objects of content , leads to the possibility of treating form itself as an object , so ignoring any differential value .
6 In essence each region or district gets its share of the total amount of funds available on the basis of the size of the population served , weighted to take account of the use different sections of that population can be expected to make of the service .
7 The same situation was prevalent in England over a decade ago , and while the new breed of English walls has blossomed to state of the art types such as Newcastle 's Berghaus Wall , Scotland 's walls remain poor relatives .
8 If there are alternative theft and handling counts , the jurors should not be instructed to convict of the offence which it seems more probable to them that the accused committed .
9 But because labour related to cost of the total has gone up so much , er i i most people now prepared to pack would prefer to do .
10 Oliver had to be seen to approve of the wine he had himself chosen .
11 For the briefest and most uncomfortable moment , he was made to think of the father he 'd left behind in the North of England , a man just widowed and with a stepson whom he disliked intensely .
12 Over 4,000,000 fuze parts , gauges , gains , stampings for rifle and field , and naval guns , bomb forgings etc , were made to order of the Ministry of Munitions .
13 From April next year , providers are expected to have shifted to use of the guide to quality in vocational education and training and the 14-part system for auditing documents and qualifications .
14 Had there been mala fides the court would have had to think of the consequences of that .
15 But Charlton explained the choice of Kernaghan by saying : ’ I 've got to think of the future .
16 You 've only got to think of the career of erm , Audrey Hepburn who died today , or yesterday , whenever it was .
17 You 've got to think of the kids as well .
18 Moreover , the covenant with Israel signified by circumcision was offered to make of the nation ‘ A kingdom of priests and a holy nation . ’ ,
19 Almost a year ago he told an environmental conference in Glasgow that land equal to half the area of Glasgow would be needed to dispose of the region 's sludge .
20 The purpose of this chapter is to examine the question of how pupils can gain some inkling , through their own experience , of what religion is about , so that their imagination is stimulated to conceive of the possibility of the spiritual dimension being more than meaningless talk .
21 WE have received many messages from graduates who have been saddened to hear of the death of H. H. Lucas , former Warden of Wortley and then of Cripps Hall .
22 In view of the wide effects that defects in this metabolic system can have on the body , they may well be suited to study of the polychrests — that is , the remedies with a wide sphere of action such as Natrum muriaticum , silica , sepia , lycopodium , sulphur , phosphorus or lachesis to name but a few .
23 ‘ I was very much saddened to read of the death of Dr H. H. Lucas in the NG ( Autumn 1991 ) .
24 Petain , a general considerate of his men , was promoted to command of the Army Group and two lesser generals assumed immediate responsibility — Nivelle , who was to bring the French Army to the point of mutiny in the following year , and Mangin , dubbed ‘ the heroic defender of Verdun ’ by some , ‘ the butcher ’ by others .
25 The letter was sent to Mr Solchaga 's top aide by Manuel Conthe , then in charge of foreign transactions and since promoted to head of the Treasury .
26 The temporarily distorted skin then heals , and little is left to show of the battle .
27 All that 's now left to show of the nights activity , are the tyre marks on the road .
28 All that 's now left to show of the nights activity , are the tyre marks on the road .
29 Given the resources also available for dealing with dereliction , it is important that action should be taken to dispose of the land to the best advantage as soon as possible …
30 After the devastating explosions at Loscoe in Derbyshire and at Abbeystead in Lancashire , BGS has been contracted to review of the nature , origins , occurrences and hazards of methane in the context of the construction industry in the United Kingdom and produce a guidance document of wide appeal .
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