Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] [conj] [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The call was given to launch and the Mitchells , one by one , moved forward on the ‘ deck ’ , opened the throttles , held the aircraft on the brakes and were flagged-off by ‘ flyco ’ .
2 He was fascinated to discover that the Galapagos animals bore a general resemblance to those he had seen on the mainland , but differed from them in detail .
3 Now Mr Major is expected to announce that the Trident submarines will carry far fewer than the expected 512 warheads .
4 Some of the personalities themselves have provided unhappy proof of what can happen when stress and temptation take over where the much-publicised diet leaves off , while the thousands — sometimes millions — who bought their books have come to realise that the Hollywood way to fitness is a career in itself , a course in self-absorption and physical management that only those who are paid to pursue it can afford , either in terms of time or money .
5 It was expected to ascertain whether the Uttar Pradesh government had violated two court orders by granting permission to Hindu militants in July to start work on the construction of a Hindu temple [ see p. 39008 ] .
6 Glashow , for example , was reported to say that the Nobel committee took a ‘ bit of a chance ’ because ‘ nobody has yet built a machine that is capable to check ’ the new particles predicted ( international Herald Tribune , 16 October , 1979 ) .
7 But in practice this has come to mean that the C. and A. G. examines , certifies and reports on the annual summarized accounts of the National Health Service taken as a whole , i.e. as the appropriation account presents them .
8 Export earnings were expected to rise when the Maloma coal mine development began to produce high quality anthracite .
9 If the user is responsible for the DC , a check will be made to ensure that the DC is in the ACTIVE state .
10 Formerly , this sub-sub-delegation of supervisory powers to SRO 's did not effectively establish a system of self-regulation , since the principle of equivalence operated to ensure that the SIB retained significant control .
11 ‘ You 've got to remember that the Trunchbull once threw the hammer for Britain in the Olympics so she 's very proud of her right arm . ’
12 Through this experience , we have found that a systematic approach to applications engineering is needed to identify whether a PDC concept is appropriate to solve a specific problem , and , if so , what set of data carriers and other system elements is best suited for the application .
13 You 've got to understand that the Hendrix market is a very young one .
14 Primers derived from human β actin were used as internal PCR controls resulted in a 623 bp product ( data not shown ) and was used to ensure that the PCR worked consistently each time and the actin product acted as an additional size marker .
15 RNA in situ hybridization was used to demonstrate that the CFTR expression plasmid can be delivered to airway epithelial cells by liposome-mediated transfection in vivo .
16 The pharmaceuticals business — which was bound to suffer when the US patents expired last year on Tenormin , a beta-blocker and one of the world 's most successful drugs has been further hit by the failure of two products in which a lot of money and hope had been invested .
17 We were given to understand that the A.S.R. boats did not put out on the express orders of the A.O.C. that they would be too vulnerable to air attack .
18 One of the singers from the theatre had stood in the doorway declaring to the crowd who had gathered to watch that the Grenfell and Morgan boot and shoe emporium was providing the best leather goods in town .
19 The Six agreed to draft a treaty on these lines , but as a compromise de Gaulle was asked to accept that the Atlantic alliance with America should be safeguarded and that ‘ Community co-operation ’ on economic issues in the EEC should continue to be developed .
20 In early May the Mengistu government had continued to claim that the Shengo ( parliament ) resolution of April , calling for the establishment of a transitional government , had wide international endorsement as a peace proposal .
21 The trains were not allowed to pass until the East German authorities were certain that they could prevent such attempts .
22 The other , more disturbing reading is that the Shakespearian phrases are made appropriate because the present situation reinterprets them in such a way that we are forced to wonder if a Burbank-Volupine situation was not just the sort of thing they were talking about all along .
23 Formal co-operation mechanisms between the three countries ceased to function when the East African Community collapsed in 1977 [ see pp. 31497 ; 33448 ; 35752 ] .
24 Care was taken to ensure that the River Garonne remained open to shipping all the way from Bordeaux to Toulouse ; swamps were drained and the forests lining the river banks were cleared .
25 He was thus encouraged to believe that the Cambridge Board entertained some doubt over the strength of its case for unilateral action and was therefore anxious to reach a negotiated agreement with the WEA prior to making any application for additional Chapter III providing powers .
26 Their proposals have led the Hungarian Trade Minister , Peter Akos Bod , to draw uncomfortable parallels between the Community which his country may eventually be allowed to join and the Comecon which it recently left .
27 Sergeant-Major Riley was put in charge , and after an altercation with Mayne , Stirling was forced to admit that the Ulsterman 's strengths lay in fighting the enemy rather than in dealing with paperwork .
28 This is taken to mean that the EC must become ever more integrated .
29 Yet if isolationism is taken to mean that the USA tried to cut all ties with other nations — to withdraw into " fortress America " — then it is far from accurate .
30 The first British administrator of Tanganyika Masailand was Colonel E.D. Browne , who had been Assistant District Commissioner at Laikipia at the time of the second Masai move in 1911–13 , and who came down to Tanganyika convinced that the Kenya Masai had had a rotten deal and determined to see that the Tanganyika Masai got a better one .
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