Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] [conj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Where claims involve losses in these areas during the winter period stated , they should be carefully checked to see if the clause has been complied with .
2 The proposal form should be checked to see if the Policyholder disclosed the illness/injury or if the complaint first occurred after inception of the policy , did the Policyholder disclose this at the appropriate renewal date .
3 This view has since been altered to contend that the struggle for education is part of the struggle for freedom and that some demands which affect the education system should be fought for while apartheid is still in place .
4 Reading on in the book of Acts , I was fascinated to see that the experience of Cornelius and his household in Acts 10 was different .
5 Conventionally , the 35mm film would run across the back of the camera , being exposed to light as the shutter is opened .
6 A level 1 assessment at age 7 is intended to signal that the child may need special help .
7 After being on external display at Lasham , Hants , for twenty years , Dakota G–AMPP has been purchased by Mike Woodley and is being dismantled and moved to North Weald , where , due to its poor condition , it will be examined to see if a restoration programme is viable .
8 For any candidate for entry , all packages in the structure which contain the module are examined to see if an entry point exists ie. an active DC referencing the module .
9 Curran is convinced that it produced a ‘ muted radicalism ’ but it would be equally justified to claim that the Mirror had to change because it could not portray the 1950s and 1960s in the language or imagery of the 1940s .
10 The issuance of multiple copies was thus intended to assure that the consignee received at least one .
11 Perhaps the notice could be altered to indicate that the path leads only as far as the river .
12 ( Later the bill was amended to provide that the Secretary of State would be prohibited from prescribing periods of time or proportions of school timetables to be allocated to programmes of study : see now ERA 1988 , section 4(3) . )
13 Under a constitutional amendment approved on Nov. 6 , Article 11 ( regarding the succession on the death or incapacitation of the President ) was amended to provide that the Speaker of the National Assembly would succeed to the presidency until the end of the current presidential mandate .
14 Agree that the Solicitors ' Remuneration Order 1972 be amended to provide that the Society may require up to 50% of a client 's profit costs all disbursements and VAT to be paid during the process of application for a Remuneration Certificate , in accordance with guidelines to be issued by the Adjudication and Appeals Committee after consultation with the Lord Chancellor .
15 Mr Brown and Mr Smith repeatedly intervened to demand that the Chancellor answer the simple question of whether pensioners would be fully compensated , which Mr Lamont repeatedly ducked , saying only that the worst off would receive help .
16 FANS of Fatal Attraction will be fascinated to know that the director 's cut containing a totally different ending is now available ( CIC , £12.99 ) .
17 Fascinated to find that the floor , ceiling , and walls all sloped at crazy angles , Luce climbed the rickety stairs to Signor Candiano 's office .
18 ‘ I was fascinated to discover that a number of Americans worked for SOE before America came into the war .
19 We have not yet been sufficiently educated to realize that the risk of dying from the greatest killer disease in the Western world could be drastically reduced if only we took preventative measures by eating sensibly and looking after our bodies .
20 Searches of houses and other premises in the Ardoyne area are expected to continue until the rifle is located .
21 The report , whose conclusions were due to be made public after the expiry of 21 days within which interested parties were required to submit their comments , was expected to confirm that the crash resulted from pilot error involving the inadvertent shutting down of the wrong engine .
22 SMCC is expected to claim that the unit is a ‘ hot box , ’ taking the number one position in benchmarks such as MIPS , Database TPC-A , Specint92 ( figure a maximum 9000+ ) , Specfp92 , AIM III and Laddis .
23 Sun is expected to claim that the unit is a ‘ hot box , ’ taking the number one position in benchmarks such as MIPS , Database TPC-A , Specint92 ( could go to 9,000+ ) , Specfp92 , AIM III and Laddis .
24 More recently we have come to see that the concept of science or arts is a social construction ; as Michael Young has argued :
25 For both judges and ordinary people will have come to see that the area that should be dominated by predictability is very large , and citizens will make their plans assuming that judges take that view and so will not often reverse settled legal practice .
26 He had come to realize that the technique of politics as currently practised was ineffectual and in the long view immeasurably harmful in twentieth-century conditions .
27 The price differential between low-floor or lift-equipped buses and traditional high-floor models is expected to fall as the production lines of accessible models are extended .
28 However , the terms implied by sections 12–15 are designed to see that the buyer receives certain basic benefits from the transaction .
29 But other leases contain wording which says that the arbitrator must be " an independent surveyor " : so the wording of each clause will have to be considered to see whether the word " independent " carries any particular message about the status of the referee .
30 Some 150 communicators are expected to attend and the theme will be ‘ Christians in a Media Culture ’ .
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