Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 They will take approximately a week to reach this stage , so that while any traces remaining in a carpet could give rise to problems , a solid floor can be easily disinfected to kill them before this stage is reached .
2 It is not recommended to exercise her in this condition , because of the unwelcomed attention she will receive , and the risk of her becoming pregnant .
3 ‘ A curious time you have picked to tell us of this , Michael Riven , ’ Murtach said , smiling wryly .
4 And then , for ten , twenty , forty hours or so the millions sit back to watch the show as the huge tropical storm lashes and bursts and howls its way around the islands , shaking , shuddering and drenching the place as if it held all the concentrated fury of nature and had decided to unleash it upon this one unfortunate spot .
5 Something must be done to free her from this grip .
6 I 've decided to let you off this time . ’
7 I 've g I 've got about a half a dozen sheets of paper scattered all over the place , and I 've decided to do it in this cos then I can just go to here .
8 It is perhaps somewhat strange , given the proven commercial success of the VT600 , that very little effort is made to market it in this country .
9 For he knew what Susan had done to present him with this daughter , his beautiful Kate , born just 12 years ago , six months after Simon had left their village .
10 An obstacle to Buchan 's transfer was that he would lose income from his Sunderland shop , and the deal was delayed for two months while ‘ under-the-counter ’ terms were agreed to compensate him for this loss .
11 However — ’ he shrugged ‘ — my vet in Westmead ca n't be expected to come out so far so I 've obviously got to find one for this shop . ’
12 I have agreed to help them with this very worthwhile project and I am about to send them 1 or 2 large envelopes of material .
13 He 's no option he 's got to have something like this .
14 Each time this comes up , an editor groans and thinks , ‘ My goodness , we 've got to say something about this , but can we say something different ? ’
15 So I 'm going to promise and you 've got to remind me about this promise that the next Tuesday , that 's when you 're or even Wednesday , but if I give it you Tuesday we can be organized for Wednesday ca n't we ?
16 So they were told to introduce themselves like this : " I 'm calling from Deller Page and Rycott Ltd in the City of London !
17 I had not intended to trouble you on this occasion .
18 ‘ Is Francesca still in New York ? ’ the brat was asking anxiously , and McLeish , who had not wanted to discuss her in this company , found he had to reassure Jamie about her whereabouts and probable date of return .
19 Many a time I have wanted to ask her about this , and thought it wrong .
20 All she had to do was steel herself to get through the forthcoming weeks until he returned to Hong Kong and she was left to immerse herself in this new job in peace , free of the distraction he constituted .
21 I do n't think Andy ever meant to do anything with this place .
22 Bill Clinton ( who has thought these things through ) might have tried to persuade them of this .
23 At the same time we were organising meeting 's to tell local people about it and to get there views and to make it clear again that we were , you know , we were in a position where we were being forced to do something by this legislation that we did n't want to do and we wanted just , the alternative was if we had set a rent rise , which have been dramatically higher , I mean the four pounds , twenty five rent rise that we eventually had to agree to was higher than what the Council wanted to put the rent 's up by , you would think well the Council put the rent 's up by four pounds , twenty five , erm , and you know , that , that 's why the Council does that sort of thing but it 's us that gets involved in that kind of work , producing information and developing responses and then the secon d major area is what I 've just labelled a strategic policy development , and that mainly erm put policies that are like a rise within the Council rather than things that come from outside , like for example , because were the kind of Council we , we are , there was a debate amongst officer 's and member 's to develop an anti poll strategy and two hundred and eight thousand pounds was found to be linked to that strategy and erm , as that 's enabled various initiative 's to get under , under schemes , crashes for children in the town , stuff like that , er and also , erm to provide an overall policy frame work for other Council department 's .
24 To think that for all these years I had tried to protect them from this very fate and I had n't even the pleasure of using them very often .
25 Roza — I had learned to call her by this affectionate diminutive — at once sprang to her feet : ‘ Husband come .
26 From the prologues to the Heautontimorumenos and the Adelphoe we know that his competitors had tried to discredit him for this .
27 We have already tried to capture something of this dilemma when we wrote of unskilled workers as follows :
28 A Home Office insider said : ‘ Kenneth Clarke is determined to do something about this .
29 She had n't planned to approach him like this .
30 I would have liked to take them off but the situation was still uncertain , and everyone still believed that the German forces were determined to push us off this high ground east of the Orne .
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