Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] [adv prt] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I hate to disillusion you , but I 'd have been hard pressed to come out on top with those odds ! ’
2 Last autumn police stopped and searched people for offensive weapons as part of an initiative called Operation Dove , designed to crack down on drugs and violence in the Paisley area .
3 The Hungarian government is introducing a " green card " system for cars to ensure that they have regular checks designed to cut down on emissions of carbon monoxide ( CO ) and hydrocarbons ( HC ) .
4 But now the health authority has decided to cut back on staffing arrangements .
5 He had had to go out on exercise one night , and was on duty another , poor thing .
6 And do n't imagine that just because he 's got to go back on Saturday , we sha n't be seeing one another again . ’
7 No it 's not yours , it 's got to go back on Friday .
8 ‘ If you 're going to tell me you 've got to go out on business , ’ she snaps , ‘ I 'm going to give your secretary the once over . ’
9 The Social Security Minister has promised to clamp down on benefit payments to New Age travellers .
10 The Social Security Minister has promised to clamp down on benefit payments to New Age travellers .
11 I 've got to stay in on Tuesday , I 'm babysitting my sister .
12 We asked all the lenders to calculate exactly what its individual borrowers have had to pay out on endowment mortgages of £30,000 , £60,000 and £100,000 before tax relief is taken into consideration .
13 its the same in all jobs , look at the banks how they 've had to cut down on staff , computers have just totally took over , I mean every , every area of work more or less its been done away with by computers
14 But almost everyone has had to cut back on luxuries during the recession and this has affected Caterham 's sales badly , with orders cancelled through fears of redundancy or increasingly expensive mortgages .
15 It has n't been an easy time , even for the professions , and while law firms have had to cut back on staffing , they face having to get more out of the personnel they have left in terms of client service .
16 Their father may know that if he simply ‘ refuses to intervene ’ the older one , stronger and more resourceful , is bound to come out on top
17 Solbourne patron Matsushita announced its very own colour lCD Sparc portable in Japan ; The unit , no battery and rather hefty , is bound to show up on Solbourne 's plate later this year .
18 At the time of rehearsals for Freddie Mercury 's tribute concert at Wembley , former Queen bass player John Deacon strangely opted to go off on holiday , leaving Neil to dep with the band .
19 It was not clear whether the two latest bombs had been set to go off on Friday , like one discovered and defused on Sunday , or whether they were freshly planted .
20 Now the Government has proposed to crack down on mileage allowances by taxing drivers who cover large distances .
21 Where possible , information was coded to cut down on computer storage and processing costs .
22 The division of the YJ Lovell group says the move leaves it better placed to cash in on work it is currently bringing in from South Yorkshire .
23 During this same period , the trainee may also be asked to sit in on interviews in their bureau .
24 When someone has been asked to make over on death whatever remains of an inheritance , and from the price of objects sold buys other objects , he is not regarded as having diminished [ the estate ] in respect of the objects sold … but the objects thus bought should be made over in place of the ownership which has changed … .
25 The council has already been forced to fall back on accommodation in the town 's Arts Centre in a bid to keep people off the streets .
26 The council has already been forced to fall back on accommodation in the Arts Centre to keep people off the streets .
27 If the person who does the interviewing is not the person for whom the new employee will be working then it is essential that that person should at least be allowed to sit in on interviews and have an agreed say in the final decision .
28 PROSTITUTES will not be allowed to cash in on Hartlepool 's £160m marina , police chiefs have pledged .
29 The A.A. defences continued to take toll of attackers , 9/St.G 1 having a Ju87B so badly damaged over Valetta that the crew were forced to bale out on return to Sicily , while a second aircraft from this Staffel failed to return , Uffz .
30 The contractors , having racked themselves to the limit to fight off all other comers , may be forced to cut back on programme spending , to the detriment of exactly the kind of endeavours which may give delight to many but have no great appeal to the masses .
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