Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] [adv prt] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The three old miners considered that it was intended to carry out this operation a little before the smelt houses " left off " and of course they left off by persuasion of the Parliamentary forces , violent or otherwise .
2 Nurses are admirably placed to carry out clinical research .
3 Vehicles are loaded on to special platforms and dropped out of aircraft specifically designated to carry out this task on to adjacent or parallel drop zones .
4 Thus the company is uniquely placed to sum up current interest in alternative fuels for diesel and petrol engines .
5 But while County are tipped to go up this time , Francis could be stepping on to a bigger stage before next spring .
6 The Calcutt inquiry into press self regulation is expected to report back next year .
7 After the report advisers are expected to carry out follow-up work and proposals for improvement acted on .
8 The MEDIATRON is a modified stereo-cassette recorder , which is designed to carry out simultaneous recording of audio-signals , trigger pulses for photographic slides and digital signals from a computerized information retrieval system .
9 At the prizegiving , the winner is expected to pass on any tips to other members of staff .
10 Several thousand of the 226,000 people employed in the industry are also expected to clock up seven-figure incomes this year , making them targets of another Clinton tax proposal — a 10 per cent surcharge on earnings over $1 million a year .
11 THE DIFFERENCE between regular country acts and their rock 'n' roll equivalents is that your NME -friendly guitar-basher enjoys and is expected to try out new riffs , to be playful and weird .
12 Outraged Doisneau fans were mortified to find out that Doisneau himself had taken the pictures , fulfilling one of the commercial assignments which still occupy much of his time .
13 Called the ’ Helikite ’ , it 's designed to frighten off peckish pigeons , rooks and crows that can wreak havoc to crops .
14 Paul Warhurst and Phil King are expected to shake off minor injuries in time to face Forest .
15 New software modules include VXVMI , a virtual memory tool , which is designed to set up virtual memory capabilities on target systems for run-time and debugging purposes .
16 In the eighth century , as the Franks had imposed their domination over those they called " subject peoples " , Frankish kings had come to rule over many regna , not only far west as well as east of the Rhine , but beyond the Alps and beyond the Pyrenees .
17 It became apparent that his supporters in the presidential elections had switched their allegiance to Serrano , another evangelical Protestant , who was also expected to pick up second-round votes from the supporters of Arzu and of the now defunct small right-wing parties .
18 The orchestration of Cabinet ministers in radio and TV interviews at the weekend seemed designed to damp down growing unrest among Conservative back-benchers about the quality of leadership .
19 This is a stick-like instrument , light in weight , with an end designed to pick up light objects and a magnet for very small objects as well .
20 On Dec. 4 , in an agreement which was expected to open up new lines of credit to Argentina , Brady reached an agreement with Economy Minister Antonio Ermán González to refinance US$650,000,000 of debt with the US Eximbank and US$50,000,000 of debt with the International Development Association ( IDA ) , the concessionary loan affiliate of the World Bank , for repayment over 10 years , with a six-year grace period .
21 Furthermore , the Soviets were at work on a manned tri-sonic interceptor — that would become the MiG-25 Foxbat — designed to shoot down potential threats such as the B-70 .
22 However , the gambling stories may have been exaggerated to cover up some story of compromising letters and blackmail , and the matter is obscure .
23 Although primarily designed to win over Catholic waverers , the new title was also preferred by some Protestant zealots who argued that only Jesus Christ could be the head of the church , as well as by those who believed that Elizabeth 's gender debarred her from assuming a quasi-episcopal role .
24 These kinds of objectives were to be attained by public-sector pump-priming investment designed to lever out private resources .
25 The parade of hobby-horses that began on Saturday morning requires a little study before we assume it is The Shape of the Future , rather than an Easter divertissement , designed to cheer up Labour supporters after a defeat they had not expected .
26 It seems almost a pity to subject these lively fancies to the stern test of verisimilitude , but I feel constrained to point out three facts .
27 Poisoned wheat is put inside the holder which is designed to let in grey squirrels and exclude other small mammals .
28 A sump drain would also be installed to draw off any detritus from the bottom of the vat .
29 This was designed to build up English exports , to encourage English shipping and increase England 's share of the carrying trade , of which the Dutch had the lion 's share at that time .
30 The metal shutters on the windows and behind the doors of the four-storey grey structure were designed to keep out unnecessary callers .
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