Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] [noun pl] [coord] the " in BNC.

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1 Breast-feeding was recommended to space births and the rhythm method was approved .
2 Because of ever-tightening security arrangements , Linda Kitson of the Falklands , and John Keane of the Gulf , were only permitted to record preparations and the aftermath of their respective wars , rather than fullblooded action .
3 Because of ever-tightening security arrangements , Linda Kitson of the Falklands , and John Keane of the Gulf , were only permitted to record preparations and the aftermath of their respective wars , rather than fullblooded action .
4 Kings had been instituted to repress evil-doers and the emperor is the " protector " of Christendom whom the pope needs to implement Christian aims .
5 The water rises , the heat is transferred to heat exchangers and the water then returns below ground to be reheated .
6 Since virtually all of the agencies which regularly institute criminal proceedings have acquired their own expertise , they are generally well enough equipped to conduct cases and the Crown Prosecution Service will ‘ neither wish nor need to intervene ’ .
7 With policyholders now required to take out a separate policy in addition to the normal fire cover , income from additional premiums will be paid into a pool which will be used to fund claims and the Government will reinsure the pool .
8 The clubhouse was closed to save overheads and the headquarters transferred to a local pub , The Buck .
9 The present owners purchased the mill in 1976 after part of it had been used to house chickens and the mill-pond had been used for fish-farming .
10 Because of its protein content Simplesse can not be used for deep fat frying , although it can be used in some cooking applications — the cream can be used to make sauces or the cheese to make pizza or lasagne , but both these products are only available in the US at the moment .
11 Various groups have been invited to send representatives but the meeting is also open to anyone interested in the idea .
12 FOR the second year running MOSELEY club accounts have been found to contain discrepancies and the police have bee called in to investigate .
13 In January 1990 delays in Soviet grain deliveries had led to price rises and the tighter rationing of basic foodstuffs .
14 They have been charge capped and have been forced to make cuts and the Tory group themsleves felt that the Government spending limits were unfair .
15 The resulting biomass is thermally dried to remove pathogens and the final product is used as an animal feed .
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