Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I 've come to see you under another guise .
2 They will take approximately a week to reach this stage , so that while any traces remaining in a carpet could give rise to problems , a solid floor can be easily disinfected to kill them before this stage is reached .
3 He laughed mirthlessly , despairing of her understanding , ‘ You ca n't expect those who are evicted to see it like that . ’
4 It is not recommended to exercise her in this condition , because of the unwelcomed attention she will receive , and the risk of her becoming pregnant .
5 Chapters 2 and 3 are designed to help you on both counts .
6 Aerial spraying of the fungicide , which goes under the trade name of " Ronilan " , is now completely outlawed and farmers are forbidden to use it on any crop which is not peeled or shelled .
7 And almost before he had finished speaking , his mouth forced itself over hers in a kiss that was clearly designed to punish her for that last remark .
8 She could not possibly have known the misery such a revelation would cause him , because now he was forbidden to call her by any other name and he knew from painful experience that Tom Fish would not relent until he had his way .
9 a dilettante artist , a protégé of John Jarndyce 's who affects a childlike gaiety and simplicity but is really a shameless sponger ; his apparent innocence of worldly concerns is sedulously fostered to relieve him of any common responsibilities .
10 Oh yes I 'd forgotten to ask you about that .
11 ‘ A curious time you have picked to tell us of this , Michael Riven , ’ Murtach said , smiling wryly .
12 An attempt is being made to provide them with some form of base organisation without which they can not develop full effectiveness .
13 And then , for ten , twenty , forty hours or so the millions sit back to watch the show as the huge tropical storm lashes and bursts and howls its way around the islands , shaking , shuddering and drenching the place as if it held all the concentrated fury of nature and had decided to unleash it upon this one unfortunate spot .
14 Something must be done to free her from this grip .
15 He had threatened to do it for some time , but only Hank had taken him seriously and tried to dissuade him .
16 Some proportional series , however , can only be extended along one axis at a time ; if an attempt is made to extend them along both axes simultaneously , unfillable structure points are created .
17 I 've decided to let you off this time . ’
18 I 've g I 've got about a half a dozen sheets of paper scattered all over the place , and I 've decided to do it in this cos then I can just go to here .
19 It is perhaps somewhat strange , given the proven commercial success of the VT600 , that very little effort is made to market it in this country .
20 For he knew what Susan had done to present him with this daughter , his beautiful Kate , born just 12 years ago , six months after Simon had left their village .
21 Once the Chairman has signed the minutes no one is empowered to alter them in any way .
22 Then a list of frames indexed by that theme noun is searched to associate it with any frames currently active ( i.e. , those indexed by previous theme nouns ) .
23 A normal family life , he repeated to himself , and smiled almost wanly at the thought of something that seemed destined to elude him for several years to come .
24 I remembered that I had promised to see her about some poems she had written and had nervously asked me to read .
25 but you 've got to curb him of that , I said make matters I said Dan get yourself down here now I said did either of you kick Danny ?
26 And we 've got to include him in some crime as soon as we can .
27 An obstacle to Buchan 's transfer was that he would lose income from his Sunderland shop , and the deal was delayed for two months while ‘ under-the-counter ’ terms were agreed to compensate him for this loss .
28 Political influence is what the Other Side wants as much as anything and you 've got to meet it in that arena .
29 As the great British biologist/mathematician J.B.S. Haldane commented , human beings would be hard pressed , however long natural selection acted upon them , to sprout the wings of an angel ; we just do not have the genes that would even begin to provide the appropriate structures , and past selection has never acted to provide us with these structures .
30 Er , they reckon they grow two to three foot a year they 're the fast grow ones , once they get a hold , they start growing and they shoot up each week and when they start shooting up , that 's when , you 've got to keep them watered , and you 've got to feed them with that plant stuff do you know what I mean ?
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