Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 From that decision , leave was given to appeal to the House of Lords .
2 All pupils will be taught to swim by the age of 11 .
3 If that sentiment was intended to sound like the deathbed conversion of Scrooge , I am not sure that it was entirely convincing .
4 That is the consequence which is intended to flow from the provision that , although not the depositor , B is to be treated as entitled to the deposit .
5 Food was placed to sizzle on the barbecue , and was turned with the help of long utensils , and as she worked beside Silas , moving rapidly to turn first one piece and then another , Lucy became conscious of a feeling of quiet satisfaction .
6 Light can bring about change in products , and products that are likely to be exposed to light in the market should always be tested by exposure to light .
7 Noninstrumental validations of consent are , therefore , limited to consent to the authority of a reasonably just government .
8 The methods and techniques which have been developed to cope with the child-rearing process seem to apply equally to families who are experiencing the difficulties and frustrations of caring for an ageing relative .
9 For as long as these conditions persist , and until a comprehensive range of services is developed to cope with the needs of parents with older mentally handicapped children and adults , there will still be a need for mental handicap hospitals , and there will still be young people being admitted to them .
10 He writes : ‘ If we are pressed to see in the doctrine of the Trinity some clue to the sense that gender … must have something corresponding to it in the God-head , one would find in the unconditioned Unity of God something like the feminine in creation , while the differentiated Persons , on the other hand , have each a masculine denomination . ’
11 Now we either are going in the direction this morning , or rather I think you 're being pressed to go in the direction of seeking to identify in due course , what is the preferred general location , and this undoubtedly is something you can hang your hat on .
12 Unfortunately , it has no effect on the larval stage in the eggs and further applications may need to be given to cope with the larvae as they hatch .
13 ‘ We were taught to go for the jugular , ’ Buckmaster remarked .
14 If that last sally was intended to go below the belt , it failed ; the ‘ better men than you ’ line was worked out long ago .
15 The work can be at various levels from initial reconnaissance to diamond drilling but is not intended to go beyond the discovery stage of a mineral deposit .
16 Some have a loop around the spat , between stops , others have loops which are intended to go around the spar and the extension of the vinyl sockets .
17 Do not activate them on a package until it is intended to proceed with the work .
18 The object is then heated to drive off the mercury ( which boils at 357°C ) .
19 Read the manufacturer 's descriptions carefully , for some of the smaller pools are really rock pools which are intended to sit near the summit of a rock garden so that water tumbles down a cascade unit into a pool below .
20 Hartley 's philosophy was in fact an early form of the twentieth-century scheme of mental association known as Behaviourism ( Pavlov 's dogs were taught to salivate at the sound of an electric bell ) , and if writing today he would presumably have compared the brain to a computer .
21 The Union of October ( Octobrists ) , a loose political alliance led by landed nobility and a few prominent industrialists , was formed to work with the Tsar on the basis of the Manifesto .
22 More enthusiastic was the Union of 17 October ( Octobrists ) , a loose political alliance led by landed nobility and a few prominent industrialists , which was formed to work with the Tsar on the basis of the Manifesto .
23 Councillor Stevenson is well placed to comment on the carpet as he was once a weaver at Stoddard .
24 I am writing this letter in a personal capacity , but as Chairman of the Education Committee and a member of the Membership & Recruitment Committee , perhaps I am well placed to comment on the debate on entry requirements .
25 There was indeed a steady brain drain ; and some , like Lieberich , had intended to come for a visit rather than to stay permanently .
26 The decision by a court that a particular situation was not intended to come within the ambit of a statute , though within its words in what may be their most obvious meaning , does not deny the supremacy of Parliament , for if Parliament disagrees with the decision it can pass another Act dealing specifically with the type of case .
27 My view was limited to sight of a wall , a tower over it , and a small patch of sky .
28 It has been a fashion among Opposition Members — indeed , this was reported by the hon. Gentleman tonight — to suggest that the access funds alone are intended to compensate for the withdrawal of benefits generally and that the £25 million , which he correctly quoted , must , therefore , be inadequate .
29 They will keep this addition , which is intended to compensate for the VAT they can not reclaim .
30 The payment will be available to teaching staff until such time as the Teachers ' Superannuation ( Scotland ) Regulations are amended to provide for an injury allowance .
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