Example sentences of "[vb pp] [to-vb] [art] many [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One consequence of all this was that when a Commons Defence Committee later met to disentangle the many grievances , John Nott — the defence secretary who ‘ misled ’ the Commons about the circumstances of the sinking of the General Belgrano — explained : ‘ In a few years ’ time , with satellites , the task of censorship will become an impossible one . ’
2 Conference , if you think back to all those times that you have sat at home watching the news after a day 's work like I have , and listen carefully to what is being said , you may well have been horrified and saddened to hear the many stories appertaining to people who have had accidents or died due to the fact that the machine they have been driving has been too powerful .
3 Where the latter have rejected other gods in favour of the one they wish to follow , the former has attempted to assimilate the many gods in which it believes into a single Deity who stands behind them as their ground .
4 They will be encouraged to consider the many factors which affect personal health and fitness .
5 In an interview with the Taiwanese newspaper Chung Yang Jih Pao of May 6 , Chen said that the tasks of the visit had been fulfilled , but that " repeated efforts will be required to handle the many details in the future " .
6 This beautiful long-haired tortoiseshell kitten was chosen to symbolise the many kittens and cats rescued by the R.S.P.C.A. each year .
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