Example sentences of "[vb pp] [subord] [vb pp] in the " in BNC.

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1 It should also be noticed that the surfaces v = constant , considered as embedded in the three-space , consist of nested two-surfaces all having the line in common .
2 The descent into Dentdale from Newby Head is even more stimulating than the outward journey , new aspects of the valley being revealed when seen in the reverse direction , with wider and more distant landscapes coming into view .
3 Sufism in today 's Africa , with its saint worship and magical practices , has been presented as doomed in the path of modernisation : such an assessment is to be seriously questioned here .
4 The comparative information is presented as reported in the financial statements of the prior periods , and additional pro forma information is presented in accordance with the benchmark treatment .
5 Twenty five microlitre aliquots of bacterial suspensions , grown on nutrient agar slopes and prepared as described in the buccal cell adhesion assay , were mixed with equal volumes of sale solutions on a clean glass slide .
6 If one accepts , as so many cases do that the skill and knowledge of the employee has become part of himself then it is difficult to see why any distinction should be made as postulated in the question .
7 This view is sometimes seen as represented in the Gospel of John .
8 From the medical perspective , the problem , if it is a ‘ problem ’ , is seen as located in the individual , its origin lying in an innate physiological disorder which brings it into the realm of medical jurisdiction .
9 What must be ascertained is the intention that a reasonable person would have had if placed in the situation of the parties .
10 The new Bradville Estate was supplied when built in the early 1930s , from the same source .
11 Boxes of plants used as described in the previous experiment were taken and the parts of the plants lying in the viewing area were cut .
12 Vertical blinds are also practical for doorways , and can be used as shown in the photograph as a ‘ concealer ’ between breakfast bar and kitchen .
13 He argues that ‘ the failure of both disputes revealed and reproduced the regional nature of management-labour relations in the industry ’ ( p. 35 ) , because ‘ miners ’ interpretations of the two disputes , and of the underlying arguments , are understood as embedded in the nature of collective social relations at work … the constitution of workplace relations has varied between coalfields and … variations in management and labour strategies have been central to this process ' ( p. 36 ) .
14 The participants acknowledged that there had been considerable divergences of views on each of these issues , but all declared themselves satisfied with the compromises reached as expressed in the final declaration .
15 His true value would have been far more appreciated if introduced in the first place to more mature minds .
16 This was ratified in an agreement of 20 Feb. 1691 wherein every pound of money in profit was to be shared as indicated in the table below :
17 Tea and eatables brought in a big Orkney basket to the harvesters and eaten while seated in the lea of the stokes was a special treat .
18 It is also possible to use a large ice-cream carton , cut as shown in the drawing .
19 Cases considered during the past year have been concluded as shown in the panel .
20 It was concluded as agreed in the Treaty on the Final Settlement on Germany signed in September 1990 [ see p. 37834 ] .
21 User , Module and Design Change information may be viewed as described in the next few paragraphs .
22 The primary and secondary windings of the transformer have been interlinked as shown in the circuit diagram , such that the twin 120V primary windings are in series , making the transformer suitable for domestic 240V mains operation .
23 Trunk fragments with attached limbs ( +AER and -AER ) were cultured as described in the legend to Fig. 1 for 48h in serum-free medium supplemented as stated ( resupplemented after 24h ) .
24 Sugar conformations and glycosidic rotation angles have been estimated as described in the legend to Table 1 .
25 Employment was more easily lost than obtained in the eighteenth century , for supervisors with power of removal over their subordinates rarely had much inclination to investigate the accuracy of an accusation against one of their officers , if that charge was brought with the support of a man of political influence who might harm his own career if thwarted .
26 The officer in this case addressed the defendant precisely in terms appropriate to the contingency which had arisen as indicated in the Metropolitan Police pro forma instructions which were current in May 1990 .
27 The filter was constructed as shown in the diagram and then stood on the wooden crosspieces on top of the vat .
28 As an instance , the taxonomic status of one of the common abomasal parasites of ruminants may be expressed as shown in the next column .
29 Back in the 'twenties , Sunday at our home was a day apart and , as far as was possible , the Sabbath had to be kept as ordered in the Fourth Commandment .
30 All theoretical curves are normalized as described in the text .
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