Example sentences of "[vb pp] [subord] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 However , publication of records by the press would be only be permitted if authorized by the commission which had been set up to administer the files .
2 ‘ … one who deals with goods at the request of the person who has the actual custody of them , in the bona fide belief that the custodian is the true owner , should be excused for what he does if the act is of such a nature as would be excused if done by the authority of the person in possession , if he was a finder of the goods or entrusted with their custody … .
3 It was decreed that no new relics were to be venerated unless approved by the pope and the sale of relics was forbidden .
4 The consumers ' hints and suggestions , communicated over considerable distance and thereby often greatly distorted when realized by the manufacturers , resulted in changes in the cloth , which in turn prompted further comments .
5 This crisis was not so much averted as won by the progressives , but only after Pope Paul had taken a hand and , on the issues that Suenens had wished to put to the vote , the progressives won a clear majority on 30 October .
6 Competitor DNA ( 100ng ) was also added as indicated at the top of the gel ; NSDS and ST are double stranded oligonucleotide competitor and NSSS , APSS , SSA and SSB are single stranded oligonucleotide competitor .
7 The third rectangle is initially visualized as superimposed on the second .
8 It should also be noticed that the surfaces v = constant , considered as embedded in the three-space , consist of nested two-surfaces all having the line in common .
9 The Register proper consists of 12 parts , as follows : Part 1 General financial charges Part 2 Specific financial charges Part 3 Planning charges Part 4 Miscellaneous charges Part 5 Fenland ways maintenance Part 6 Land compensation charges Part 7 New towns charges Part 8 Civil aviation charges Part 9 Opencast coal charges Part 10 Listed buildings charges Part 11 Light obstruction charges Part 12 Drainage scheme charges The form containing additional enquiries is in two parts : Part I contains questions of universal application , and replies are sought and paid for by one comprehensive fee ; Part II entries are relevant only to particular properties and will not be answered unless indicated by the searcher , a separate fee being paid for each entry searched .
10 The descent into Dentdale from Newby Head is even more stimulating than the outward journey , new aspects of the valley being revealed when seen in the reverse direction , with wider and more distant landscapes coming into view .
11 Sufism in today 's Africa , with its saint worship and magical practices , has been presented as doomed in the path of modernisation : such an assessment is to be seriously questioned here .
12 The comparative information is presented as reported in the financial statements of the prior periods , and additional pro forma information is presented in accordance with the benchmark treatment .
13 The document used above was presented as input to the semantic analyser , and the CED used in place of the OALD as the source of definitions .
14 The data used above was presented as input to the semantic analyser , with the newly indexed CED definitions as the source of definitions .
15 He knew what those two victims must have felt when tossed into the heat sink .
16 It is a collection of those books which the early church accepted as written by the apostles themselves , or by their close associates , and which therefore set out the true apostolic faith .
17 Twenty five microlitre aliquots of bacterial suspensions , grown on nutrient agar slopes and prepared as described in the buccal cell adhesion assay , were mixed with equal volumes of sale solutions on a clean glass slide .
18 Pre-operatively the nurse must check that the patient 's skin is prepared as requested by the surgeon .
19 A catastrophe can happen when the system energy is no longer channelled as intended by the designers or because there is a release of toxic substances or both .
20 Likewise , it was common ground that faulty administration contemplated the procedures by which decisions are made as opposed to the merits of the decisions .
21 If one accepts , as so many cases do that the skill and knowledge of the employee has become part of himself then it is difficult to see why any distinction should be made as postulated in the question .
22 From the end of the lane , a circular walk may be made as suggested on the map , starting along the path to Selside but turning off after a mile to aim due north for the far end of the Allotment wall .
23 A further US$18,000,000 was paid by the USA into a security account in The Hague from which payments could be made as arbitrated by the Iran-US Claims Tribunal .
24 The first 156 items on a frequency ranked list were selected as input to the concordance program .
25 Problems which may arise in any family are those which may be seen as related to the Oedipal situation — the sexual attachment which arises between parent and child and which is not always worked through adequately .
26 He was still seen as tied to the ranks of the bourgeoisie by an umbilical cord that he had failed to sever .
27 If the researcher is seen as connected with the authority structures of the institution , will this not have some effect on the behaviour of those being observed ?
28 Ozawa , 50 , who was widely seen as seen as the real leader of the new group , firmly committed himself to comprehensive political reform .
29 This view is sometimes seen as represented in the Gospel of John .
30 The recent cognitive revolution in psychology has meant that an individual 's behaviour is now rarely viewed in simple behaviourist terms as solely a product of rewards and punishments , but is seen as influenced by the individual 's own , often idiosyncratic , view of their situation .
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