Example sentences of "[vb pp] [subord] [verb] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 Here also the support of the infinitive is identified with that of the finite verb and so is depicted as having realized the action of struggling with the intention of performing the infinitive event .
2 In both the Reports of the Court to the General Assembly and the listings of the United Nations Secretariat , Nicaragua was included as having accepted the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court through the operation of Article 36 ( 5 ) on its acceptance of the compulsory jurisdiction of the Permanent Court .
3 The king is reported as having told the clergy that they must reproach the practice ‘ vehemently and bitterly ’ , and if this did not succeed , he would take further measures .
4 Sánchez , who was alleged to have been beaten by government supporters prior to his arrest , had been reported as having urged the Cuban authorities to recognize the two UN resolutions ; he was later charged with " distributing enemy propaganda " and with illegal possession of foreign currency .
5 The following day Mandela was reported as having softened the ANC 's line , telling diplomats at a meeting in Cape Town that the deadline might be shifted if the government showed a commitment to addressing the issue of township killings .
6 Yet in a time of " unprecedented inflation , unprecedented wage demands and an unprecedented number of strikes " ' , most groups can be considered as having limited the fall in real earnings rather than as having maintained , let alone increased them .
7 Central Asia is acknowledge by most authorities as the most likely birthplace of the oriental rug , and the Turkoman nomads , who have inhabited the region for millennia , are generally accepted as having inherited the oldest pile-weaving tradition still in existence .
8 The judges were certainly aware that with such an arrangement , they could be seen as having ignored the merits of the designs and the practicalities of execution , and attempted to explain their position in their report to Hall .
9 The result was seen as having strengthened the somewhat precarious position of Prime Minster Toshiki Kaifu within the party .
10 He also could be seen as having secured the continuation of his private office at No. 4 Parliament Street , when the block of buildings between King Street and Parliament Street was omitted from the Act .
11 These problems can be seen as having prevented the SCP market developing sufficient " critical mass " and this , in itself , has brought its own problems .
12 Yet systematic exclusion of women from higher education can only be seen as having forced the great majority of capable women out of the intellectual mainstream .
13 This , he said , could not be characterised as having breached the duty of good faith which amounted to no more than a principle of fair and honourable dealing .
14 In 1252 the ‘ jurats ’ of Romney Marsh are recorded as having had the power to repair the sea-wall and to control the ditches ‘ from time out of mind ’ .
15 The author is perceived as having written the text with a fairly uncritical readership in mind , but the reader enjoys this sort of escapism anyway .
16 The events surrounding the creation of the PDS were regarded as having illustrated the difficulties awaiting Italy 's second-largest party in any bid to present a convincing challenge to the Christian Democrats ( CD ) through new alliances with the PSU , independent leftists or radical Catholics .
17 ‘ After anxious consideration I have reached the conclusion that whatever Reg. v. Morris did decide it can not be regarded as having overruled the very plain decision in Reg. v. Lawrence [ 1972 ] A.C. 626 that appropriation can occur even if the owner consents and that Reg. v. Morris itself makes it plain that it is no defence to say that the property passed under a voidable contract .
18 ( f ) Parker LJ stated : " whatever R v Morris did decide it can not be regarded as having overruled the very plain decision in Lawrence 's case that appropriation can occur even if the owner consents and …
19 In fact , the Government has chosen to provide in the TURER Bill that the employee may object to the transfer , but such objection will operate so as to terminate the employment and the transferor will not be regarded as having dismissed the employee .
20 The most intellectually satisfying explanation is that embodied in the doctrine of karma , in accordance with which the dead child may be regarded as having completed the final stage of a soul-life that , in previous incarnations , had almost earned its passage and , after one more brief sojourn , was able to escape from the cycle of death and rebirth .
21 With the establishment of the single passport principle , the two directives were regarded as having opened the way for a further liberalization of investment and insurance law .
22 Thus , if the trustees of an interest in possession trust were actually to pay monies it will generally be the trustees who will be treated for the purpose of income tax as having made the payment and not the beneficiary ; if bare trustees , nominees or agents were to pay monies the beneficial owners or principals will generally be treated as having made the payments .
23 A useful starting point is to note that two of the three factors just mentioned as having influenced the law 's development have little application in modern conditions .
24 After Iraq was condemned for its use of chemical weapons , President Khamenei was quoted as having wished the UN had gone on to take steps against both Iraq and the states which had provided it with the means to manufacture such weapons .
25 The local authorities cited so far can be described as having assimilated the care programme approach , they take it into account and perceive opportunities to be gained , but they do not appear to have changed themselves in any significant way to accommodate it .
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