Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] which [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Genette systematically coins new terms for aspects of narrative which have already been named but which imply a psychological or realist element : flashback becomes amalepsis , point of view becomes focalization , the opposition between telling and showing is translated back into Plato 's terms diegesis and mimesis , and so on .
2 From the Eleventh Dynasty , in the Coffin Texts and the Book of the Two Ways , the Underworld has become a realm with many danger which must be conquered and which express the natural fear of death .
3 The satisfied reader , rejoicing in Marryat 's broad humour , his acceptance of and delight in the vagaries of mankind , his shrewdness and his talent for controlling the varied pace of his stories , may well decide that his greatest virtue could be the sheer confidence of the man , his assurance that the hierarchies and authority in which he has been trained and which form the basis of his novels are essential to the well-being of his country and its navy .
4 For example , if a package contains a particular module , regardless of version , then its manager is informed of all SPRs and SSRs which are submitted and which reference the module .
5 An invitation for tenders may include an undertaking to consider tenders which are submitted and which satisfy the conditions of the invitation ( Blackpool and Fylde Aero Club Ltd v Blackpool BC [ 1990 ] 3 All ER 25 ) .
6 Past and present struggles are transformed into ‘ epiphanies ’ , special moments in which the conditions of oppression are transcended and which prefigure the ultimate goal of Liberation .
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