Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A place is private and this offence can not be committed where only a minority group of the public are admitted .
2 It is considered that only a solicitor can act Mr reward as an agent , as was thought was the position under the 1959 Act .
3 The Law Commission in their Report No 160 on Sale and Supply of Goods ( 1987 ) , recommended that s15(2) ( b ) should be deleted and instead a reference to the buyer having a reasonable opportunity to compare the bulk with the sample should be inserted into s34 .
4 When a successful grocer was asked by a grocer 's daughter how to run the health service , what could we have expected if not a supermarket chain enterprise — open all hours .
5 A muddy substratum is recommended and therefore a mixture of clay and peat is satisfactory .
6 Danny confirmed that a room had already been booked and soon a porter , who wore a badge saying , ‘ Hello my name is Peter ’ conveyed the rucksack of Mr Cornelius Murphy and his companion , Mr Howard Hughes , up to their room .
7 For example , given the heterogeneous nature of cereal production in the UK , a uniform response is not expected but rather a range of opinion amongst producers , largely dependent on the degree to which producers are committed to intensive cereal production .
8 ‘ Lieutenant Denholm is miscast as either a classicist or electronics officer .
9 ‘ It was a very expensive clear-out and must have come as quite a shock when the penny dropped .
10 It had come as quite a surprise to discover he was charming , very generous , and enormous fun to be with .
11 It supports conventional , XMS and EMS memory for its buffers and can be installed as either a device driver or TSR program .
12 But if the moment of performance is considered as potentially an act of composition , a different perspective can emerge .
13 The basis was no longer to be the palace scaled down , but the cottage extended : ‘ In this view of a villa , the dwelling is to be considered as only an amplification of the cottage . ’
14 When it was first mooted that maybe a team of Tropical Plants staff would make for good television on Busman 's Holiday , several folk were keen to take part .
15 A Christian authority on eastern religions , Patrick Sookhdeo said , ‘ I have seen that whenever a person uses yoga , he makes a shift from a monotheistic view of God , to a pantheistic view ( God identified with nature ) , and finally to a monistic view ( God as an impersonal IT , without form , personality and essence ) .
16 An eye catching layout , full of interest over a wide range of subjects , well written and hardly a hint of political bias .
17 An eye catching layout , full of interest over a wide range of subjects , well written and hardly a hint of political bias .
18 You just want a quick glance at it to see what she , oh well half of it 's saved and then a bit more than a quarter .
19 Under s.26(2) , a plan of the premises need not be lodged but only a site plan is required until the provisional grant is affirmed .
20 Although this area of research is beyond my technical competence , I am assured by experts in neo-Walrasian economics that very strong apriori restrictions need to be imposed before even a glimmer of a general market clearing solution can be discerned .
21 Rather it is presented as simply a mirror image of the subjectivist principle of mens rea .
22 In most analytical methods , biologically derived reagents ( enzymes , antibodies ) are exploited as simply a specialist , and rather labile , form of chemical reagent .
23 Seeing Renaissance writing deploying its resources to justify genocide as moral , divinely justified and ‘ civilising ’ , forces us to accept that Renaissance literature 's role has too frequently been accepted as unquestionably an instrument of enlightenment in some unexplored way .
24 But fortunately most people who are asked to help in surveys are prepared to accept that they are appropriate people to answer questions on the survey for which they are approached , and particularly where people feel that they are being asked to give ‘ expert ’ information this can be seen as rather a compliment : ‘ If you want to know about how a housewife organizes her day I can tell you everything you need to know . ’
25 Aethelred 's initial acts on becoming king should perhaps be seen as primarily a securing of Mercian border territories .
26 The Middlemen can thus be seen as both an acid criticism of British society and a purge of Brooke-Rose 's oeuvre .
27 Its actions and policies are formed by local as well as national events , and it must be seen as both an agent of , and an obstacle to , central government .
28 It was acknowledged that some of the party 's previous policies had been potentially divisive , and the review was widely seen as both an attempt to attract new voters and as a means of attracting potential coalition partners from among the opposition parties .
29 Voluntary work was no longer seen as either a stepping stone to bigger and better things or as a part of a women ‘ s mission , but rather as the exclusive province of married women .
30 The former proposal could be seen as just a way of improving the quality of decision-making by the High Court when hearing judicial review applications .
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