Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [adv] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 It will , of course , be located somewhere so obscure that Dougie Donnelly will be required to voice-over a map on a television commercial explaining how you can get there with the family this Sunday .
2 Although we do not presently know the functional in vivo sites for pou[c] binding , the results reported here strongly suggest that these sites should be related to the TAATGARAT- and/or degenerate octamer-TAATGA motifs rather than the canonical octamer motif .
3 Note 2.4.4 The rather pedantic observation that ( ab ) c = a(bc) is included here only to emphasise that the associativity of unc depends heavily on that of .
4 So much so , that in the conventional use of the term , ‘ being critical ’ has come almost exclusively to mean that the object or action in question has fallen short of the standards in question .
5 I have seen enough already to know that my work on Christabel must be seriously altered in the light of what you have in these letters — I would n't be happy going on without taking them into account — and that must be true of Dr Michell 's work on Ash too , just as true . ’
6 enable your opponent to abandon a commitment by : describing all the concessions you have made so far suggesting that the circumstances have changed blaming some other party or situation for the present position , such as the government , another union , the economy , the personnel department suggesting that somehow there has been a misunderstanding referring the whole matter to another individual or group .
7 The progression and results of this study ( which took a number of years and involved the House of Lords Record Office , the British Library , the Public Record Office and the College of Arms , as well as the Bridport manuscript books and medieval wills and testaments ) have been presented not only to show that reference books can be wrong , but that the wealth of material available to the local historian can be utilized to very positive effect over an extremely narrow range as over a wide one .
8 She had therefore grown up subconsciously feeling that nakedness was undesirable , even immoral . ’
9 This must be done very carefully to ensure that the opening of the oviduct remains intact since it is extremely difficult to insert a needle once it has been damaged .
10 Even if neither we nor they were quite clued up enough to realise that Jethro Tull was a group and not the inventor of the seed drill !
11 Video recordings can be copied quite easily provided that you have the use of two machines , one of which can be your camcorder while the other would be a video recorder .
12 It can not be said that the result was entirely logical , and one is tempted to agree with a famous last-century astronomer , Sir John Herschel , that the constellations seem to have been drawn up so as to cause as much inconvenience as possible , but the system has become so well established that it is unlikely to be altered now .
13 After 1720 the form had become so well established that new turnpikes were set up under the clauses of a general public act , rather than by individual private acts .
14 The time may well arrive — indeed , that process is now under way — when the notion of the supremacy of the institutions of the Community and the primacy of Community law have become so firmly established that they are widely acknowledged to be a feature of the United Kingdom 's constitutional landscape .
15 In many industrialised market economies collective bargaining has become so firmly established that it is sometimes regarded as being virtually synonymous with the prevailing system of industrial relations .
16 Turner also feels that radio , especially US radio , has become so tightly formatted that it totally excludes anything new or innovative .
17 Those killed were members of trade unions in an area which , with a total of 10,000 troops , has become so highly militarized that there is one soldier for every two banana workers .
18 Taken together the results from the in vivo and in vitro studies summarised above clearly indicate that the epithelial absorptive capacity of the rat jejunum is appreciably reduced during the days preceding the expulsion of the parasite .
19 The question is whether prices and mortgage rates have fallen far enough to ensure that this position will be reached in the near future .
20 Some have gone even further to suggest that , since people are purposive beings , all practices , including moral practices , are purposive in nature : ‘ a practice without a point is an empty ritual ’ .
21 I am fascinated to notice that your profession has at last started not merely to say that , but to criticise those who refuse to allow so manifest a fact to be stated in order that it may be examined .
22 The results obtained so far suggest that shape-specific long-chain water polymers could be the something which produces the physiological and pharmacological effects which homoeopathic potencies exert on living systems .
23 Most of us have lived long enough to know that you ca n't say with any certainty , where you might be in the future .
24 Beddington had lived long enough to know that very few people were quite what the public considered them .
25 For example , the British Library survey mentioned above also showed that the most popular CD-ROMs in use were Bookbank , The British Library Pilot Disc , Medline , Books in Print and the Science Citation Index .
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