Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [prep] the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But after the second programme Yorkshire Television installed block heaters throughout the house in lieu of a fee , so Low Birk Hatt was heated properly for the very first time .
2 South Africa demonstrably adjusted better to the more disciplined requirements of the longer game after almost two months of the uninterrupted frenzy of the World Cup .
3 Since the disease is heterosexually transmitted in Africa , the group which has come in for the most blame for its rapid spread have been the many poor women who have been supporting themselves in Nairobi through commercial sex .
4 It would be much better to choose , not the level where the genus Euphoria is succeeded suddenly by the totally unrelated genus Amnesia ( as in figure 3.4:1 and 2 on left ) , but within a formation of uniform lithology where , for example , the species Abra cadabra ( which really exists ) Passes insensibly into a descendent species or subspecies by a progressive statistical swing in the unit characters .
5 Tragically , these trees are being torn down from the rapidly diminishing rainforests — and are not being replanted .
6 Rarer species of snowdrops are being indiscriminately harvested along with the more common ones .
7 In April , a month after the ‘ moderate ’ right had come together in the ominously powerful and well-financed form of the CEDA , local elections provided encouragement both for the right and for a Radical Party now hungry for power .
8 " [ The transfer in 1860 ] between the Goldsmiths ' Company and the Corporation was carried through with the most perfect agreement and accord . "
9 You can tell that you have not been fobbed off with the more mature product by the size of the cuts and the pallor of the flesh .
10 The point will be of particular relevance in connection with causal sequences or causal chains , to be considered later in the most relevant context .
11 that I 've just picked up off the here .
12 Crumbs of advantage , Bénezet had found , may be picked up in the most unexpected places .
13 These then go out into the environment , are reflected back in a multitude of different ways according to the objects encountered , are picked up by the most amazingly refined hearing organs , matched against an inner mind structure capable of interpreting this data as a full and complete three-dimensional world and used as a major sensory means of perceiving their watery or aerial world .
14 Designed unfashionably from the inside out ( Erskine remains a committed Modernist ) , the building should provide some of the most relaxed office space in London .
15 As he passed again on the other side of the road on his way back forty minutes later he was caught up in the very worst time of day for traffic .
16 By contrast , death and decay are speeded up in the equally characteristic Peter Greenaway film , A Zed and Two Noughts ( 1985 ) , set mainly in a zoo .
17 But there are few advocates for patients with anorexia nervosa and they carry the risk of being squeezed out by the increasingly technological emphasis of general medicine and the concentration of psychiatric services on the needs of chronic psychotic patients .
18 Tense thriller concocted out of the most unpromising elements : three characters , two boats , and a lot of water .
19 Increasingly , as penetration of the West European markets on any large scale failed to materialise , the German states looked eastwards to the less socially advanced , less well-organised societies along their borders .
20 Lighting , heating , ventilation have all been carried out on the most approved modern principles .
21 How is a totally new , totally comprehensive valuation of capital values — something that has never before been done in England and Wales — to be carried out within the dangerously tight timetable dictated by the Government 's electoral concerns ?
22 Using a non-brittle stone , such as jade , shaping could only be carried out by the infinitely more laborious process of grinding .
23 A wide variety of work , from outer space to inner space , is now carried out in the newly restructured division ( PGGOS ) , including studies of solar and geomagnetic activity in the upper atmosphere , coastal and offshore geology , hydrocarbons on land and offshore , biostratigraphy , sedimentology and mineralogy , and earthquakes .
24 This evaluation will consider whether the school is now more effectively educating its students , and whether the change has been carried out in the most efficient way .
25 Of course , some sort of pattern can be teased out of the most disordered subject though it may take half a dozen attempts before a pictorial structure emerges ; such an unhurried approach is not always possible for the long distance traveller .
26 Within months , Scargill 's warnings of substantial pit closures were transformed into reality : the NUM was unable to resist — with most of its members at the affected pits rapidly opting for the generous redundancy terms — and with the privatization of the electricity-generating industry at the end of the 1980s the ability of many British mines to compete was in question ; closures were instituted even in the more productive fields .
27 Animals kept in captivity for biomedical research are stressed even under the most humane conditions .
28 Deaf and dumb people were bitterly disappointed , and the BDDA 's reaction is summed up in its annual report for the year 1932 : No aid from the State was considered even in the most pressing of all problems , the vocational training of school leavers .
29 The UK had objected strongly to the particularly sharp cuts originally proposed in its own allocations ; in the final agreement , a compromise had been reached in which the UK 's cod catches were reduced from 55,800 tonnes to 46,180 , while haddock quotas fell from 62,500 tonnes to 36,280 ( see p. 36493 for 1989 quotas ) .
30 Yet Eliot seems to have been attracted even to the most unlikely sources , including even Conan Doyle 's ‘ The Musgrave Ritual ’ .
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