Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 They pay thousands and thousands for the Van Goghs and Modiglianis they 'd have spat on at the time they were painted .
2 The chart needs to be filled in at the time the child eats as retrospective memory is unreliable .
3 It should be no more and no less than the business carried on at the time of completion .
4 In Lucien 's family , they had only come together at the times appointed by the Church : meals , various holidays , family councils and those mysterious , Church-nominated occasions when children were conceived .
5 However , as the need for this particular type of system was not believed to be acute , it was not pursued further at the time .
6 But the study was carried out at a time of economic expansion and three out of four of the firms had experienced growth in the year prior to the study .
7 Official attempts in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to reform and strengthen the police duties of headmen were carried out at a time when the overall influence of headmen was on the wane .
8 In the latter case , the higher-level program is translated as a whole into a lower-level program as a whole , and that process is carried out at a time before and separate from the time when the ( compiled ) program runs .
9 His kidnapping was carried out at a time of great international tension , occurring only two days after US aircraft had conducted bombing raids on targets in Libya .
10 The June poster campaign was described as a ‘ xuechao ’ , student movement , in one analysis carried out at the time , although there were no demonstrations .
11 Since there is such a difference between the two documents , and since the Dunrossness District Plan was designed for immediate public consumption ( the Structurn Plan had not been disseminated widely at the time of our research , June , 1978 — January , 1979 ) one could suggest that the tenor of the document reflects the desire to underplay any potential conflicts between Shetlanders and incomers .
12 He remembered falling , and the deck coming up to hit him , which brought back the sensation — although it had n't done so at the time — of the moment just before the torpedo hit Lanark .
13 One difficulty with testing recognition memory is that inferences might be made only at the time of the recognition test .
14 Lugh had never thought it a good idea , and he had said so at the time , only nobody had listened .
15 The Bank would require £5 to be written off at the time of sale and if the £5 was not injected as cash on day one , would even disallow the sale treatment .
16 Within the Commonwealth , Mrs Thatcher 's hostility towards trade sanctions on South Africa had long weakened ties with the African and Asian states so fruitfully built up at the time of the settlement in Zimbabwe in 1979 .
17 Luckily my father grew tired of this grand scheme and contented himself with firing the odd surprise question at me concerning the capacity of the umbrella-stand in pints or the total area in fractions of an acre of all the curtains in the house actually hung up at the time .
18 It is unquestionably true that the large-scale employment of women made it possible for certain Edinburgh houses to offer competitive terms in the years up to about 1900–10 , and the argument was made both at the time and in retrospective accounts .
19 Police are particularly anxious to trace a courting couple who were seen nearby at the time of the attack .
20 Humphrey Maud presented his diplomatic credentials to Menem on July 18 , becoming the first United Kingdom ambassador to Argentina since diplomatic relations were broken off at the time of the Falkland ( Malvinas ) Islands war of 1982 .
21 Relations with Iraq had been broken off at the time of the 1967 Arab-Israeli war and US diplomatic business in Baghdad was handled by a US Interests section at the Belgian embassy ( headed by the author of an authoritative work on Kurdish affairs , William Eagleton Jnr ) .
22 Is it really necessary for you to have no claim if you are indeed made redundant or treated unjustly at the time when the contract finishes ?
23 She had thought so at the time .
24 But I must have nodded off at the time .
25 The emancipation of the serfs had been drawn up at a time when most of the tsar 's principal advisers belonged to the age of Nicholas I. Within a year of the promulgation of the statutes , most of the chief posts in the empire were held by people whose sympathy with the new social order was greater than that of the emancipators .
26 Fee income was still growing — we were very happy with the growth rate and everything was going according to the five-year plan we had drawn up at the time of the merger .
27 On one side was the flower-garden view ; on the other , one window had been bricked up at the time when windows were taxed , and I walked over to the remaining window .
28 ‘ What do you find to do , out all day ? ’ asked my mother , who only ventured out with a specific purpose in mind and always got back at the time she had decided she would .
29 Manchuria was known to be rich in raw materials , notably coal and iron ore , and capable of supporting a far larger population than dwelt there at the time .
30 The boulders which God had flung about at the time of the creation had , to Lydia 's eyes , a patriarchal air , and the pebbles which littered the stream seemed like little children confidently at rest in this fatherly presence .
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