Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] to [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 South Africa demonstrably adjusted better to the more disciplined requirements of the longer game after almost two months of the uninterrupted frenzy of the World Cup .
2 Increasingly , as penetration of the West European markets on any large scale failed to materialise , the German states looked eastwards to the less socially advanced , less well-organised societies along their borders .
3 The UK had objected strongly to the particularly sharp cuts originally proposed in its own allocations ; in the final agreement , a compromise had been reached in which the UK 's cod catches were reduced from 55,800 tonnes to 46,180 , while haddock quotas fell from 62,500 tonnes to 36,280 ( see p. 36493 for 1989 quotas ) .
4 Yet Eliot seems to have been attracted even to the most unlikely sources , including even Conan Doyle 's ‘ The Musgrave Ritual ’ .
5 Much of the speech was given over to the already familiar complaints about " destructive and separatist tendencies " and about " ferocious " attempts to discredit the central government , and to exhortations to political forces to unite behind perestroika .
6 Frequently a Georgian house which I had always seen from the road and considered to be all of one date , was revealed , when I came to knock on its door , to be purely a façade built on to a much earlier building .
7 The pull was made on to a slightly uphill gradient and into the wind , in spite of this a record breaking 100 metres was reached in 40.8 seconds at a speed of 4.5 mph .
8 There 's also Bob 's ‘ Songs Of Freedom ’ , a force worldwide , but out of fashion in Jamaica , a country that has moved on to the more bodily delights of raggamuffin .
9 The couple have now moved on to the more complicated use of silks , and subjects have varied from masterpieces such as The Old Mill and The Haywain to a girl skating on a lake and a Victorian winter scene .
10 In countries which already have predominantly enterprise-level bargaining reverse and countervailing pressures have operated only to a more limited extent — in this case towards greater consolidation in bargaining structures .
11 The cause was eventually tracked down to a previously unknown bacterium , given the name Legionella pneumophila .
12 The trophy is presented annually to the most promising young sportsperson who receives training at Meadowbank .
13 Thus an interim payment will be made directly to a legally aided plaintiff .
14 The impression just described can be related moreover to the before/after idea which to has been seen to express in its other uses .
15 It ‘ is the most difficult form of communication to learn , though since it is used only to a very limited extent , the skill is not essential to the handling of horses ’ .
16 He had offered to take them to the local dressmaker 's to have them seamed in to a more fashionable line , but Gina would n't even let him do that .
17 The contract was quickly sold down to a more sustainable 2600 level .
18 When the power of the higher civil service declined after 1942 and the state administration became absorbed into the party structure , the running of the economy was handed over to the most powerful monopolists .
19 He was handed over to the terribly liberal ( sorry , I think that should be liberally terrible ) dictator by Mr David Steel , hard-line leader of a British political grouping engaged in the notorious Lib-Lab pact , at a time when Ceausescu was still wildly popular .
20 What has been designated Industry Year has got off to a predictably silly start .
21 Many a Jewish courtship has got off to a somewhat greasy start over pickled brisket sandwiches and chips on fine evenings outside the deli .
22 I feel the Trust has got off to a very good start under your directorship .
23 On Community Action , this is an employment service programme , er , it 's got off to a very slow start .
24 ‘ Most of us were standing by the control tower when the Fortress guns opened up to the Northward , and coming through the Flak we saw a series of black dots approaching directly towards us and as they closed we recognised them as yellow-nosed Me109s .
25 A schoolmasterly exposition of the law : Andrew Brown sat in on a High Court trial — and was transported back to the strangely mingled fears and absurdities of a prep-school
26 Moreover , we do not wish to give the impression that the cello and bass always work in double harness : on the contrary , they can be used independently to a quite large extent , though discretion and careful thought are very necessary in this matter , since the basses when used alone tend to sound rather dry , and if their part lies low and is far removed in pitch from the rest of the harmony it is too indeterminate in pitch to give satisfactory support unless it consists of a sustained or better ( since the bow is short ) a reiterated pedal note .
27 But as I became more acquainted with this set and stopped rushing from impossible passage to impossible passage , hoping against hope that at some point he would lose his balance and tumble like a second-rate trapeze artist off his swing , I was unwittingly dragged in to a more sinister , melancholic side to his playing .
28 As Speaker O'Neill forcibly pointed out to the newly elected President Carter , tactics that had worked in the relatively sedate politics of Georgia were unlikely to be effective in Washington .
29 It is clear that the director relishes the cruel revenge meted out to the crudely characterised Cornish villagers even more than the turned bookworm does , thus inciting the audience to condone the sorry sight .
30 By 1912 , however , the influence of Matisse and the Fauves , which the Brücke had grafted on to a more purely native form of Expressionism , was definitely on the wane , and German painters were feeling the influence of both Cubism and Futurism .
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