Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] and [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Patients aged between 18 and 75 years presenting to the Royal Hallamshire Hospital , Sheffield with duodenal ulceration were treated medically and had an endoscopy to confirm ulcer healing .
2 But he added : ‘ The players who 've enjoyed the biggest success abroad have been those who 've blended in and learned the language . ’
3 I just assumed he was there to get a tooth filled or something , but Andy must have broken in and switched the records then . ’
4 Oil had leaked in and formed a rainbow sheen on the surface .
5 Negotiations with the De Vere hotel group , which were at an advanced stage , have recently broken down and precipitated the receivership .
6 A few of the more level headed ones , obviously relieved at the prospect of imminent rescue from the evil sect which had ensnared them , even joined in and lent a hand .
7 The problem seems to lie , as it lay for the requirement that there be no relevant falsehood , in the way in which new true beliefs can be added piecemeal and overturn the existing justification , while there remain yet further truths waiting in the background to overturn the overturning .
8 Thousands of townsfolk just looked on and cheered the thugs .
9 Tensely , the airmen looked below and saw the crowded train reach the North Queensferry side in safety .
10 He was patted down and given a cup of tea and a sausage roll to bolster him up while the children were gathered and the room darkened in anticipation .
11 Then why not come down and have a day 's shooting next Saturday , ’ Fraser suggested .
12 They 've come down and give the lads tell the lads off .
13 The moment when Pascoe had sat down and taken a sip of the wine !
14 I 'm prepared for people who actually prepare to make comments yes I think you 've got to limit the time and make comments not particularly what people get up and speak for ten minutes I do n't think it 's fair on the people this evening who 've come along and put a question about why are n't you doing certain things I think that 's and I do n't want those people to actually come to a solution .
15 We were in a perfect position to attack the mountain from its north side once we had dropped down and crossed the river .
16 Another door , covering the bars of the fire , could be let down and formed a useful ledge .
17 He had looked down and watched the body trembling and kicking .
18 The stool on which the boy had been sitting tipped over and hit the floor with a loud crash .
19 In order to keep the boys separate from the girls he used to draw a chalk line down the middle of our meeting room , and when we got carried away and crossed the line he would burst into a ferocious rage , pick up anything that was to hand — usually a book — and throw it at the offender , who had to duck fast in order not to be hit .
20 Supposing one of them got carried away and hit the old boy too hard .
21 ‘ I could have won yesterday and lost the trial , or vice versa .
22 According to Indian values the courts should have looked further and settled the real dispute which lay behind the ostensible complaint .
23 The questioner , however , was not so easily fobbed off and used a familiar gambit in an attempt to get Sir Denys to open up .
24 The moon had come up and laid a greenish iridescence on the surface of the lake .
25 But the hands came cunning and swift and raised a harsh green fabric up , until there was darkness over his head and he was paralysed with fear as he was lifted up and began a long and terrible journey .
26 All fatalities associated with this species have occurred when swimmers or divers have casually picked up and handled the octopus .
27 He was then picked up and rode the entire parade sitting between Campese and Kearns .
28 ’ ‘ ard to bruise a ‘ tato , but even ‘ arder to sell a bunch of grapes that 's been picked up and dropped a few times . ’
29 First , because it is evident that many of the problems which the Authority identified in 1985 when it established PNP were centred as much on professional attitudes as professional expertise — attitudes to children , to curriculum , to teaching methods , to parents , to ethnic minority groups , to gender issues — and indeed we have picked up and reported the resilience of many of the attitudes which the Authority sought to change .
30 I suspect he would have been rewarded by now had a private conversation of his on a car telephone not been picked up and leaked a couple of years ago .
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