Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister opened the debate , he made it clear that he had sensed right the mood of the House and of the British people .
2 In recent years there have been feminist theologians who , far from believing there to be a gap to be bridged between past and present , have emphasized rather the continuity to be found in the situation of women .
3 By the late 1980s , Ceauşescu 's suspicions and caprices had whittled down the numbers of his long-term favourites .
4 The establishment of a core group of drawings to be used as a starting point for the attribution of other sheets on stylistic grounds remains the principal method of research and Mr Royalton-Kisch felt that the present exhibition has contributed to the furtherance of this work which , in the case of the British Museum , has whittled down the number of sheets from the 106 accepted by Benesch to eighty-four .
5 It is also a rather different exhibition conceptually : Alfonso Perez Sanchez , former Director of the Prado and co-organiser of the show , has declared that he wants the Spanish to get to know ‘ the real Ribera ’ , which means that he has whittled down the number of works .
6 On the pavement , Jo shook herself free and smoothed down the front of her leather mini-skirt .
7 Louise smiled a slow smile , and smoothed down the skirt of her dress .
8 Caroline tugged at the thin straps that held the red silk up over the generous curve of her breasts , then smoothed down the skirt as if her touch might somehow magically make it extend beyond her thighs .
9 Erik Olin Wright , for example , has broken down the concept of ‘ determination ’ into six distinct relations : structural limitation , selection , reproduction/non-reproduction , limits of functional compatibility , transformation and mediation .
10 he has n't broken down the mileage into how it 's assigned .
11 Erm I 've broken down the costing into each of the sizes we will produce , the thirty three millilitres , the one litre and the two litre sizes .
12 But practitioners usually encounter elders at just those times when crisis has broken down the security of routine .
13 He 's trampled on my alstroemerias and my dahlias , kicked out my cucumber frame and broken down the fence into the orchard . ’
14 The clubs will wriggle like eels to try to get round whatever restrictions are formulated so the punishments for transgressions of the regulations have to be just as clearly defined as the crimes , and in their application those punishments have to come down as decisively as a guillotine .
15 As the technique has developed so the range of applications in clinical practice has expanded .
16 We 've pieced together the fragments of leaks and rumours concerning the latest version of the 10-year-old operating system , due to release at the end of March .
17 There is some evidence of the pope 's personal position on several issues — his reluctance to declare the count of Toulouse excommunicate , his care to see that Simon de Montfort was given only the wardship of the count 's lands , and his snubbing of Archbishop Siegfried of Mainz for his inopportune intervention , three times ordering him to sit down .
18 The sheer volume of insignia required for public services means that insignia can be given only the appearance of precious metals .
19 Dawn ( 4.8 ) made a symmetrical pattern of squares with pegs , then filled in the rest of the board , working across and down , always putting in a peg next to one already there but the colours were haphazard .
20 Filling in perfectly for the missing men , women filled in the gaps in such important industries as agriculture , to provide food , weapons and munitions manufacturing , and railways and transport .
21 ‘ You have n't filled in the bit about union membership , ’ she said .
22 Whilst he was gone , Morse turned to the back of The Times and had filled in the whole of the bottom right-hand quarter of the crossword when Lewis returned two minutes later .
23 As I said I had one quiff from Jane that was erm because somebody had n't filled in the date by which it was agreed that the Client should get a reply and suggestion was that the procedure should be changed should be non compliance , erm and then the rest of this is based on a suggestion from Rita , and I have several here now , erm .
24 3DO Co Inc , San Mateo , California has filled in the details on its planned initial public offering and has filed to offer 2.2m shares , all new , at a target price of $11 a share to raise working capital to fund anticipated operating losses .
25 Runcorn ( 1964 ) , another sizeable township of 28,000 population , followed for Merseyside and in the same year Washington largely filled in the gap between South Tyneside and Sunderland .
26 Because er in the past people have n't filled in the value of the erm of the work element in in the databases .
27 However , the trader subsequently filled in the form without having reported back to her and therefore without her authority .
28 Cadfael had been awake and afield more than an hour by then , for want of a quiet mind , and had filled in the time by ranging along the bushy edges of his peasefields and the shore of the mill pond to gather the white blossoms of the blackthorn , just out of the bud and at their best for infusing , to make a gentle purge for the old men in the infirmary , who could no longer take the strenuous exercise that had formerly kept their bodies in good trim .
29 His spectacles had shaken down the arch of his nose .
30 And for 1,500 miles it was carried on the current without power , navigational gear or a radio transmitter .
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