Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] by [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It means that quarks inside a hadron behave almost like free particles in high-energy collisions , so that their perturbations can be treated successfully by perturbation theory .
2 From the 16th to the 19th century , in some places even into the present century , exploitation of polar resources has been largely unmanaged , and limited only by market satiation .
3 Adherence to the limit tends to be checked only by chance observation from police cars or by targeting a specific street about which residents have complained .
4 At a ceremony attended by the appeal 's President , film and theatre star Anthony Hopkins , who was flown in by helicopter courtesy of British Gas ( Wales ) , an inscribed half-ton riven slate gatepost was put in place in the beautiful Nant Ffrancon pass , creating both a symbolic and practical ‘ gateway ’ to National Trust lands in Snowdonia .
5 The data used by Sear was provided by the Universities Statistical Record and covered the 1979 graduates from universities in Britain , broken down by degree class , age , and A-level points score ( this being measured on the conventional UCCA scale ) .
6 Six-monthly lists of average book prices , broken down by subject field , are published in the Bookseller and republished in the Library Association record .
7 That one 's broken down by business size , and all of them are available on cheshire or self-adhesive labels .
9 The effects of unemployment can not be alleviated wholly by unemployment benefit .
10 The National Party 's economic strategy , designed largely by Finance Minister Ruth Richardson , planned to continue Labour 's tight budgetary and monetary controls , while also undertaking further privatization and deregulation .
11 Some teachers and writers , perhaps carried away by behaviourist doctrine in the narrower sense , or thinking only in terms of sequential and very logically organized subject-matter , have over-emphasized what is involved and over-simplified the usefulness and effectiveness of " specifying objectives " .
12 But Keebler , the troubled biscuits and snack maker , which accounts for about a third of UB sales , has been caught short by price competition in a recession-stricken US market .
13 Landing gear torn off by stone wall during forced landing
14 The call , apparently between Mr Major and his next-door neighbour , Chancellor Kenneth Clarke , was picked up by news reporter , Adam Mynott .
15 MICROBETTER and Airflow Communications have been compulsorily wound up by court order under the Insolvency Act at the request of the Department of Trade and Industry .
16 Interview — whether questions resulting in response ‘ nothing to say ’ should be edited out by trial judge — materiality of questions — direction on right to silence
17 Detective Supt Gareth Jones , deputy head of North Wales CID , has been called in to head the inquiry and a post-mortem examination was carried out by Home Office pathologist Dr Donald Waite .
18 A postmortem examination at Middlesbrough General Hospital carried out by Home Office pathologist Dr James Sunter revealed that Mr McEvoy , who worked for a local bus company , died of a gunshot wound .
19 Day-to-day running of the trust is carried out by specialist fund managers , often by merchant banks .
20 If they had just looked at the laws governing slavery , as had done both their contemporaries and more recent social scientists , they would have been unable to distinguish between slavery as a minor and rare form of exploitation , on the one hand , supplying occasional domestic and sexual luxuries , and slavery as the basis of whole economies , on the other hand , where most of production is carried out by slave labour .
21 Operations support superintendent Barry Edwards takes on the added responsibility for those functions which were previously carried out by production branch .
22 The subscriber speaks into his telephone , and the process of tapping appears to be carried out by Post Office officials making recordings , with Post Office apparatus on Post Office premises , of the electrical impulses on Post Office wires provided by Post Office electricity .
23 A recent survey carried out by Labour Research shows that out of two thousand workplaces studied , there was a marked decline in unionization .
24 A recent survey of editorial freelancers , carried out by Book House Training Centre , highlighted the lack of training and standards among freelancers .
25 The device , discovered inside a Ford Transit van , was made safe after controlled explosions carried out by bomb squad officers .
26 A 100 per cent survey of the 145 households will be carried out by Market Research Scotland in March to see which landlord is preferred .
27 Inactivation of the N25 or UV5 promoters was carried out by restriction digestion with Dra 1 or BstN 1 respectively , as previously described ( 12,15 ) .
28 Companies say the export outlook has stabilised , according to a survey carried out by Trade Indemnity , the credit insurance specialist with Export Times .
29 A former PFL senator , Jorge Borhausen , was appointed to the newly-created Cabinet post of Secretary to the Presidency , with responsibility for rebuilding relations with Congress , a task previously carried out by Justice Minister Jarbas Passarinho .
30 BRITAIN 'S next generation of buy-in managers will be experienced managing directors seeking greater job satisfaction and prepared to invest around £100,000 , according to new research carried out by investment capital group 3i .
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